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FanFiction - Wettbewerb

AW: FanFiction - Wettbewerb


congraz avi, die Geschichte hat mir wirklich gut gefallen... ich finds immer wieder toll, wie du es schaffst so realistisch in Bellas Psyche einzudringen (nicht bös gemeint ;), im Gegenteil!). jedenfalls war die FF sehr inCharacter und traurig.. loved it!

und danke fürs FB, Birgit.. ja die zweite FF war von mir. hatte nicht gedacht, dass ich gewinn, aber wollte keine Runde, in der mal wieder nur einer mitmacht ^^

die neuen Vorgaben find ich super, ich hoffe mir fällt noch was zum Elfenkostüm ein xD und vorausgesetzt ich finde die Zeit, werde ich auf jeden Fall versuchen mitzumachen (wobei dann der 23.12. knapp werden würde. in den Ferien haben die meisten Leute eher Zeit, als in der Vorweihnachtszeit).

lg syd

PS: die aktuelle Runde is btw Nr 29 :)
AW: FanFiction - Wettbewerb

Hihi, dankeschön <3 So weird es auch klingt, ich dring gern in Bellas Psyche ein :D

Geändert in 29 ^^ Das kommt davon, wenn man immer schamlos alle Vorgabenlayouts kopiert :D
AW: FanFiction - Wettbewerb

• Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
• Title: “All I want for Christmas is... you?"
• Disclaimer: I don't own anything..
• Spoiler: No spoiler, a few months after season 6 finale.
• Wörter: 1.1223

All I want for Christmas is... you?

“What are you going to get Derek for Christmas?” Cristina asked.
“Um… I don’t know yet, why are you asking?” I answered.
“Well, in a few days it’s Christmas” my best friend said.
“I know”
“So what?” I passed back.
“You haven’t told him yet” Cristina noticed.
“What?” I knew exactly what she was talking about.
“About the baby”
“I thought we were talking about Derek’s Christmas gift” I said.
“Don’t you think he should know that his wife lost her baby?” I didn’t look at her. I loved her but since the shooting everything has changed. Cristina has changed and I’ve changed as well. Everything seemed to fall apart and there was not enough glue to fix it. We both knew she was right, I should have told Derek about the baby but I couldn’t. He almost died on that day and Cristina saved him. Since then my husband loves to drive much too fast with his car and I often have to pick him up at the police station. And we keep on discussing every night about his new stupid habit. So how should I tell him about the miscarriage?

My cell phone rang. Make a guess who it was - exactly, a police officer who asked me to pick up Derek.
“I gotta go” I said to Cristina and left. At the police I picked up Derek, it was the usual procedure as every time. While I was driving home we both didn’t say word.
“You’re late” Derek said when we got home.
“Excuse me?” I didn’t get it.
“It took you about an hour to get me out of that cell” he complained.
“If you would have listened this morning you’d know I was with Cristina at the hospital’s Christmas party. So it took me about half an hour to get to the police station and after that I had to sign those stupid papers. And by the way, you’re welcome it was a pleasure to pick you up from police – again” I said.
“Would you like to get an award for the wife of the year?” Derek asked sarcastically. “While you were chatting around I had share a cell with a weird guy who wore fairy-costume and wait for you”

See, he didn’t even was able to say thank you, no, he was complaining. I turned around and went to the kitchen but I didn’t recognize he was following me.
“You can’t just walk away while I am talking with you” he spat.
“Well, as you see I can and I thought this discussion was over” I answered and looked at him. He looked tired.
“Stop acting like that” Derek continued.
“Acting like what?” I tried to stay calm but I wasn’t that easy.
“Like you’re the poor one. Like you’re the perfect wife and I’m your stupid husband” he explained.
“I’d better go to bed now” I said and wanted to leave the kitchen but he didn’t let me through. “Come on, I’m tired I wanna go to bed”
“So you think it’s true” Derek detected.
“What’s the point Derek? I picked you up and now I wanna go to bed” I was angry and it would have been a pleasure for me to yell at him.
“The point is that you’re not talking with me”
“Of course not, ‘cause everything I do is not good enough for you. What would you like me to do? Being happy for picking you up at the police station three times a week? Whatever I do you just keep on complaining” I spat at him.

Now he was the one who turned around and left.
“So you’re allowed to leave while we’re talking?” I followed him to the main entrance.
“I thought this discussion’s over” he mumbled.
“Where are you going?” I asked.
“You won’t” I interdicted immediately.
“You’re not my mother”
“But I’m your wife”
“Good night” Derek said and left the house.

I stayed up all night. Even I was mad at him I couldn’t stop worrying about him. I was waiting for him in the living room. What if something happened to him?
Then someone opened the door and turned the light on.
“Derek?” I asked.
He stepped in and looked at me without saying a word.
“Are you alright?” I was still worried.
“I thought you wanted to go to bed” he said and his look was some kind of frozen.
“I couldn’t sleep” I confessed and sighted. I was hoping he wouldn’t be mad when he returned but it seemed like I was wrong.
“Good night” he mumbled and turned around.
“Can’t we talk about it?” I wondered and got up.
“There’s nothing left to talk about” he answered and kept on looking at me with that frozen look.
“We both know there’s a lot to talk about” I passed back.
“Well, then blame it all on me and let me go to sleep” What the hell was wrong with him? We were married so why couldn’t we talk with each other like adults?

“Stop that, Derek, stop being such an idiot. Yes, you got shot on that day but you survived. You are alive. So why are you trying to kill yourself by driving so fast? Why are you such a fool? I don’t know you anymore” I began.
“You don’t know me? You don’t know anything… There died people because of me, Meredith, he wanted me and killed them. They’re dead while I’m alive. Don’t you get that?” he spat.
I was shocked. Who was that man? I had never heard him talking like this before.
“He shot you down right in front of me, my best friend kept on saving you while that guy took aim a gun at her face and shot her boyfriend. I was there, Derek, I watched you dying. And now every time my phone rings I’m afraid someone tells me you died. I can’t sleep when you’re not around. But the worst is that I lost you, that I can’t talk to you when I need you the most” I hold back the tears and looked at him.

I was hoping he’d realize how much I needed him and that he wasn’t the only one who has lost something on that day.
“I can’t do this any longer” he said after a while.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“I need some time for myself to realize what this is all about” Derek explained and looked at me.
“Okay, so I’ll get the guests room ready” I agreed.
“No, I mean I’ll move out for a while” he said “I have already packed some things, I’ll come and get the rest tomorrow”
I couldn’t say anything. Was it a nightmare? It was Christmas time, weren’t we supposed to be happy and decorate the house with gongs?
“Don’t… please” I begged and followed him to the front door.
“I can’t stay… I wish I could but..” he shook his head.
“I need you” I whispered.
“I’ll be back for Christmas” Derek promised, looked above and kissed my forehead and left the door.
I couldn’t hold back the tears and let myself fall on the floor. I looked above and saw the mistletoe I bought a few days ago…
AW: FanFiction - Wettbewerb

Wie geht's hier denn weiter? Die Frist ist ja schon 'ne Weile abgelaufen, auch, wenn es nur eine Einsendung gab....

Verlängerung? Auswertung?
Bitte um Meldung! ;)
AW: FanFiction - Wettbewerb

Oh, ich war ja dran... Mist xD Allen, die noch mitmachen wollen gebe ich noch eine Woche (bis zum 9. Jänner), dann werd ich auswerten und Kathi (?) zur Siegerin erklären falls bis dahin noch keine weitere Einsendung kam ^^
AW: FanFiction - Wettbewerb

ich bin dafür, dass hier bald mal aufgelöst wird. Es sieht nicht so aus, als kämen noch Beiträge und die Weihnachtsvorgabe ist auch nicht mehr so wirklich aktuell ^^
AW: FanFiction - Wettbewerb

ok, also ich löse jetzt auf :D

ich erkläre die einzige Einsendung zum Gewinner! Herzlichen Glückwunsch,... ja keine Ahnung.. von wem sie ist (nein, von mir nicht ^^).

der Gewinner möge sich zu erkennen geben und bitte bald eine neue Vorgabe posten :)

avi wird das Feedback nachreichen, wenn sie Zeit hat.

lg syd
AW: FanFiction - Wettbewerb

Oh God, I am so so sorry -.-
Ich habs total vergessen und eure Beiträge sind irgendwie auch untergegangen... *schlechtes Gewissen*
Ich werd FB spätestens morgen nachreichen, promise... Sorry again :/
AW: FanFiction - Wettbewerb

Ich bin die anonyme Einsenderin :p Danke für die Glückwünsche ;) Aber schade, gab es keine anderen Einsendungen.. :/

Ich werde morgen die neue Vorgabe posten, muss mir erst noch etwas überlegen ;)
AW: FanFiction - Wettbewerb

SORRY SORRY SORRY!! Diese Woche war vollgepflastert mit Prüfungen und Seminaren.. tut mir echt leid!

Wie (seit langem) versprochen die neue Vorgabe:

Vorgabe: Das erste Date beschreibt das erste Date zweier Charaktere (egal ob sie in der Serie schon zusammen sind oder nicht ;) )
Spoiler: erlaubt
Sprachen: Deutsch und Englisch
Deadline: 2. April 2011

Ich freue mich jetzt schon auf viele Einsendungen! :)
AW: FanFiction - Wettbewerb

super Vorgabe! dass auf die Idee bisher noch keiner gekommen ist, wundert mich eigentlich ^^
mal sehen, ob ich Zeit und Kreativität finde mitzumachen.. das Thema würde mich schon sehr reizen :)