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Auftritt in der Sharon Osbourne Show


6 März 2003
Orange County
Am 20.02. ist Holly in dieser Show aufgetreten. Wer sich über die Show selbst informieren möchte, wird hier bestimmt fündig. Hier geht's zu einem Safesearching Board, auf dem über die Show und ihren Auftritt diskutiert wird und im ersten Post könnte ihr lesen, wer neben Holly an diesem Abend noch aufgetreten ist.

Eine große Bildersammlung von einigermaßen guter Qualität könnt ihr euch hier anschauen. Hollys Gesten auf manchen der Bilder sind wirklich amüsant, mein Lieblingsbild ist aber das, auf dem sie Sharon umarmt.

Ich wünsch euch noch ein schönes Wochenende!

hab mir das video gleich angeguckt als es damals online gestellt wurde, war ne echt super show :)

und hier das Transcript der Show!:

Sharon Osbourne (SO): Our next guest plays a real witch on TV, but she couldn’t be sweeter in real life or more Charming, From the hit show Charmed, please welcome Holly Marie Combs.
HMC- enters and shakes George Lopez’s (GL) hand and he gives her a kiss on the cheek and hugs SO.
HMC: Nice to meet you ( SO whispers something) I’m not so little at the moment. (Patting her belly).
GL: It looks great.
HMC: Thank you.
GL: You know you look like a guy who loves football (Holds hands out like a beer gut) HMC does the same with hand indicating a gut.
SO; So look at that you are so small with just a little bump.
HMC: Yeah, it’s fun, it’s going well.
GL: Is she not the most attractive 7-month pregnant person you’ve ever seen?
SO: Yes, defiantly.
GL: (Looking at belly). That's nothing. That's like when you go to a buffet in Vegas.
HMC: (patting her pockets) I don’t have any money to pay you, I'm sorry, that’s really sweet.
SO: I want to know before we talk about the baby. I want to now on Valentine’s Day you did something really special.
HMC: I did, I found a husband
They show tow picks form wedding.
GL: When was that?
HMC: Valentine’s Day.
GL: Saturday, Congratulations.
SO: Where did you get married?
HMC: San Ysidro Ranch in Santa Barbara, yeah, I know I pulled a Gwenyth, it wasn’t really original but it was quick.
SO: and painless.
HMC: yes, painless.
SO: He looks rather gorgous.
HMC: Yes, he's kind of cute. I didn’t do to bad.
GL: What does he do for a living?
HMC: he’s a key grip actually.
GL: He scored, um from the show (totally shocked)
HMC: (laughing) yes.
SO: Alright.
GL: You don't’ know, you don’t know how hard it is for a key grip to pull an actor from the show. (He stands ands applauds David)
HMC: Oh, God, he is going to be so thrilled with that, let me tell you.
GL: He’s a legend.
HMC: yes, pretty much, but I like the guys who are good with their hands, tools, not so much the creative ones.
SO: I like guys who have good hands too. (With a sly little look)
GL: OK, let me ask you, do you no what ‘s the sex of the baby?
HMC: Yes, it’s a boy (applauds). They keep telling me, its kind of making me nervous, but they say he is 2 week bigger than he’s supposed to be. Which, I'm like when is this thing going to slow down and stop growing so much. They say it’s okay, you'll just have a really big baby. I’m like “HI”’ not a tall person here, where’s it going to go.
SO: Not so wide either.
HMC: It keeps going out.
GL: We were talking about that before you came out. Are you prepared for what is going to happen? You know, Lamaze doesn’t prepare for what goes on in the delivery room.
SO: Have you done Lamaze.
HMC: I haven't started yet. Although I have many girlfriends who say it doesn’t work.
GL: It’s important but once you get into battle that stuff, breath. I went in with my wife, Sharon you can tell.
SO: When they say take a deep breath, breath through your mouth and out you nose, or the other way around and you’re just like excuse me “ F**k you.
GL: Drugs, drugs.
SO: No way, I was screaming and cussing, don’t tell me about deep breathing.
HMC: It’s like some form of hyperventilating that makes you dizzy and supposedly.
SO: it does make you dizzy.
HMC: forget the pain. I don’t know about that.
GL: No. There’s going to be pain. That's why you need drugs. You need some drugs.
SO: Ozzy says you wouldn’t go to the dentist and get a tooth pulled without drugs.
HMC: That’s true.
GL: If they have to induce labor, they give you a drug to induce cramps.
HMC: Oh, cause you want that.
GL: You want the water to break. I was sitting down and wearing brown suede shoes. My wife was pregnant and couldn’t get her water to break, so they gave he Pottusm, she was walking and sneezed and her water breaks all over my shoes. I was like, argggg.
HMC: And that is just some mystery fluid that you don’t want anywhere near you.
GL: No it is mystery fluid, you have no idea where it is from.
SO: What did you do with the shoes.
GL: I threw, I went home barefoot. I never wore them again.
HMC: Oh, yuck.
GL: Probably some homeless guy in downtown Los Angeles, hey, these are kind of nice, just buff them out.
SO: They were probably pretty warm.
GL: But it is the most exciting, afterwards when you see the baby, the raw emotion is the best.
SO: It is the best thing in the world.
SO: Holly, how is it that all this time we have been watching you on Charmed, you don’t look pregnant.
HMC: We try to hide it...
SO: Why?
HMC: but we weren’t very successful. Cause we just started showing my pregnancy when I was 7 months, just a couple of weeks ago, cut for 7 months we tried to hid it. In the beginning it wasn’t to bad, I could carry something or wear lose fitting clothes and then it got to a point where we had Alyssa, than Rose and my head behind them.
SO: We’ve actually have a clip that shows how you were hiding it quite well actually.
HMC: Yeah, this is good.

Clip from Legend of Sleepy Halliwell, when Leo is putting Pipers head up on the cabinet next to the plant.

SO: Are we going to see you preggy?
HMC; yes. You know we are asking the audience to believe a lot. I know, but it says it’s 4 months later and I'm 7 months pregnant, so I get it, I get it. So if I get letters from you all, saying you don't look 4 months pregnant, that doesn’t look like 4 months, I got it, I know I'm 7 months...
SO: It's just pretend.
HMC: I know I’m huge as a house and we’re asking you to believe I’m just 4 months.
GL: So believe it, no letters. You can see Holly on Charmed on Sundays at 8:00 on the WB.
GL: You look fantastic.
HMC: Thank you.
SO; Congratulations.
Audience cheers into break.