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AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)

(Weiss gar nicht was du hast, finde den Post ganz gelungen ;) )

Faster as Keith was able to notice, Kimon lay on his back and the big Helldog stood right over him. "Damn!", he cursed and wanted to invent but there already Vic had cut of the head of the beast. Slowly he took the ribbon from the ground and walked over to his teammates. "Is everything alright?", he asked and putted the ribbon around his wrist. Looks like they had good chances to win this competition.

Also Keith heard the scream and looked around before he and his teammates ran deeper into the wood to find the source. What was going on here? Suddenly the ground in front his feet seemed to melt. The accid of the Babilonian Serpent was very aggressive and Keith thought that it was a wonder, that they weren't hit by the attack of that Monster.

"Viktoría!", he shouted, as they walked a few steps back, "Please tell me, that you have a plan. A good one."

Keith eyes meet the one of Flora and then them of Valentina. They seemed to be in a big mess. How should the Team help them. The Serpent wasn't as easy to kill as a bundle of Helldogs.
