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Dave Navarro


Aktives Mitglied
13 Mai 2003
witches town
hi Leute,

kennt jemand von euch eigentlich Dave Navarro?
er stellte in de vierten Staffel seinen Song "hungry" vor. Das war in 4.05 "Der Sammler". Im Episodenguide bei den bildern, könnt ihr ihn sehn.
Also, ich find seine Musik echt klasse. harb mir auch schon sien Album gekauft.

Ach ja, er trat such zusammen mit Christina Aguilera bei den VMA´s 2003 auf. (Als Gitarrist9

grüßle piper00
ja, ich kenn dave navarro, hab mir das lied "hungry" runtergeladen, es
ist gut.
hab ihn vorher aber nicht gekannt.
woher kommt der eigentlich? (amerika?, wahrscheinlich)
Also, Dave Navarro wurde in Santa Monica, Kaliforinien geboren. Er ist jetzt ca 36 Jahre alt.
Ich werde demnächst noch eine Biographie von ihm bekannt geben.

Schönr Tag noch piper00
dave navarro war glaub ich auch bei den red hot chili peppers
gitarrist oder so - kann das stimmen?
hab nämlich bei 100 most wanted videos auf mtv sowas gehört,
aber wenn dann wird das wahrscheinlich eh ín der biografie stehen,
bin schon neugierig
Sorry, hat etwas länger gedauert.

tut mir Led, aber ich habe nur eine Englische biographie gefunden und auf Deutsch etwas über Red hot Chillie peppers:


David Michael Navarro was born in Santa Monica, CA on June 7, 1967. His mother was Constance Colleen Hopkins and his father is Michael Navarro. His father's father came to America from Spain (illegally). When Dave was born, his parents lived on Horseshoe Canyon Road in Laurel Cyn (Los Angeles). Dave has lived his entire life in LA. (He grew up with his mother in Bel Air). He now lives in West Hollywood. He has been married in a pagan ceremony and with a legal certificate but is currently divorced. Though he is a vegan, he does continue to smoke and drink coffee.

Dave started to learn piano when he was 6 or 7 years old. He didn't like it very much so they only lasted 2 or 3 years. When Dave was about 11 or 12 his father bought him an acoustic guitar at a garage sale. Dave's cousin Dan (you know, of Lowen & Navarro) played guitar and showed Dave a few things. Around this time Dave was still new to the guitar and at a skateboard park and could hear what he thinks was Jimi Hendrix's Voodoo Chile over the intercom system. The moment that he heard that song, it changed his life. It was then that he decided he wanted to could create those kind of sounds. It was then that Dave wanted to become "a rock guy." It wasn't long before Dave started playing electric guitar. This is when he began to practice constantly, to the point where he became isolated from the rest of the world. Shortly after Dave played in his first band, South Dakota Railroad. They mainly did covers of Cream, Jimi Hendrix, and Led Zeppelin. Also in this time period it can be noted that Dave went to elementary school with Eric Avery and dated his sister Rebecca in junior high.

Red hot Chilli peppers Info:

Er ist Mitbegründer von Jane's Addiction, spielte bei den Red Hot Chili Peppers und gastierte auf Alben von Alanis Morissette, Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson und vielen anderen. Als Gitarrist kann Dave Navarro wahrlich auf Respekt einflößende Reverenzen verweisen. Doch irgendwann braucht selbst der begehrteste Sideman und größte Virtuose neue Herausforderungen.
1998, als die Red Hot Chili Peppers gerade pausierten, schrieb der Ausnahmegitarrist in seinem Haus in Hollywood die ersten Songs für ein Soloalbum. Nach einer Reunion-Tour mit Jane's Addiction konkretisierten sich die Ideen. Konsequenterweise trennte er sich von den Peppers, sagte der Außenwelt adieu und kappte alle Verbindungen zu Freunden und Familie. Am Ende der selbstgewählten Isolation, während der er das Angebot von Guns `n´ Roses ausschlug, Slash zu ersetzen, stand ein kreativer Vulkanausbruch, der neben einer eigenen Website, diversen Musikvideos, Computergraphiken, Bildern und Plastiken auch die Songs seines wagemutigen Debütalbums "Trust No One" hervorbrachte.

gut ist nicht sehr viel über die red h.c.p., vielleicht findet jemand was besseres
Alles klar!!!
Also, hier ist ein weiterer Teil der Biographie:

Meanwhile, Dave's parents' marriage wasn't going very well and they got divorced when Dave was 7. Dave lived with his mother until 1983 when he was 15 because sadly, his mother and aunt were killed by Constance's jealous ex-boyfriend. (It was also at 15 that Dave lost his virginity.) This brutal event is said to be the cause of his unresolved "mother issues" and perhaps affection for those things dark, though he has thought about his funeral since he was much smaller. The ex-boyfriend was on the run for many years until the television show America's Most Wanted helped lead to his capture. Dave then moved in with his father. He attended the private Catholic Notre Dame High School in Sherman Oaks. In marching band he met Stephen Perkins and together they formed a short lived speed-metal band called Dizastre. Dave didn't do well in school--he and Stephen were well known for their drug use. Eventually Dave was kicked out for bad grades, long hair, and questionable ties to the LA drug community during 11th grade. He then enrolled in public school and well, he never really attended. Thus, his clasmates were the class of 1985, he was the one who didn't graduate. Dave eventually moved into his own apartment in Westwood. He lived there the entire length of his membership in Jane's Addiction.

Dave introduced Stephen to Eric's sister and Stephen began to date her. Eric met Perry Farrell through the now legendary "Jane" and he joined Perry's dwindling band Psi Com for one hot minute. They then decided to play under the name of Jane's Addiction. Their drummer was a good friend of Eric's and was in another band at the same time. He decided to leave Jane's for the other. In need of a bassist, Eric's sister kept raving about her boyfriend and thus Eric brought along Stephen. They did have a guitarist but he left. Stephen then raved about his friend Dave and called him, asking if he would like to jam. Dave had seen them live before and received a tape of theirs. He liked it enough to go to Perry's house and jam with the three of them. Dave started fiddling around with a riff that is now known as Mountain Song. Thus, Jane's Addiction as the world has come to know was born in 1986. You probably already know about Jane's Addiction. So much has been written on Jane's Addiction that I feel there is nothing I can say. Simply, their first gig was in 1986 and their last gig was in 1991.

Der Rest kommt später.
Na, habt ihr die MTV Europe Music Awards auch gesehen.
Dave Navarro war auch dabei. Voll cool.
Er hat zwar nur nen Award überreicht (leider selber keinen gekriegt, schade!!) aber war schön ihn mal im Fernsehn zu sehen.