Wettbewerbsbeitrag in Runde #18 "Reizwörter: "Seriously?, engine hood, blue-eyed"
Serie: Grey's Anatomy
Vorgabe: seriously, blue-eyed, engine hood
Disclaimer: I don't own anything..
Pairing: Meredith / Derek
Spoiler: die FF findet vor der Folge 1.04 "No man's land" statt.
Wörter: 1722
Writer's comment: Meine 2.FF auf Englisch.. ich hoffe, ich konnte die schlimmsten Rechtschreibe- oder Grammatikfehler beseitigen![]()
Do you know that feeling? I mean when you don’t have any idea what you’re doing? Well if you do you know how I feel and if you don’t, congratulations!
My name is Meredith Grey and I’m a surgeon. Well I only work three weeks at the Seattle Grace Hospital and yes I’m an intern. Honestly, those three weeks were the hardest three weeks in my life. Because as an intern you don’t really know what you’re doing you just hope you’re right. The other four interns of Doctor Bailey are Izzie, George, Alex and Cristina. Izzie was once a model so she looks fantastic and she’s really nice. George is called “007” because his first patient died. He’s great but definitely too shy. Both are my roommates sometimes I wished they didn’t move in but I think I’m glad that I don’t live alone in my mother’s house.
And Alex, I don’t know… nobody really likes him because he thinks he’s better than everyone else. Cristina is really ambitious, maybe a little bit too much. They all got their weak point. And mine is Doctor Shepherd. Wait, I know what you’re thinking but just listen. The thing is that I knew him before we worked together. I didn’t even know that he’s a doctor and works at Seattle Grace too.
He wants to go out with me but I don’t. Maybe I would go out with him if he weren’t my boss but he is so I can’t go out with him. You wouldn’t go out with your boss, would you? Even he looks really good and he’s charming because he’s still your boss.
“Meredith!” Before I could reply George and Izzie were in my room. George seemed to be angry and Izzie was laughing.
“Tell her that she cannot come to the bathroom while I’m having a shower” George said.
“Why?” I asked and giggled.
“Why? Meredith I’m a man. I don’t want you both in the bathroom while I’m having a shower” George seemed to be serious but Izzie and I couldn’t stop laughing.
“I’m sorry George… we have got only one bathroom. So if you don’t want us in the bathroom you have to get up earlier” I apologised.
“Seriously?" I was really sorry for George but he was living with two women so he had no chance.
“Yes, seriously” I tried to sound sorry but Izzie was laughing so I there was no chance for me to sound sorry.
Both left my room, Izzie was laughing and George didn’t say anything. I knew that he wasn’t angry just a little bit disappointed.
While we went to the hospital Izzie and George still were discussing about the shower thing. I was just smiling and listened to the radio.
“Good morning” We were waiting for the elevator when Doctor Shepherd came. He was smiling and his hair was as perfect as it was every day.
“Good morning” Izzie smiled and asked him how he was.
I just stood there and ignored him. He left and Izzie was still smiling. “He looks good, don’t you think?”
I said yes because I didn’t want her to talk more about him or his perfect hair. Fortunately first Alex then Cristina arrived.
“Hi” I said and changed my clothes.
“Are you sorry?” she asked.
“Why should I?” I didn’t know what she was talking about.
“That you let them move in. They’re terrible, aren’t they?”
“No I don’t feel sorry… they’re great in some way” I responded.
“Oh damn you do feel sorry. You hate them” There was no chance for lying. Cristina knew the truth.
“You’re right. They’re always happy even if they’re fighting one second later they’re laughing. How can that be normal? And they want to decorate the house” I admitted.
“I told you” Cristina said.
“I know but… they are okay. They are my roommates and I liked them” Fortunately Doctor Bailey came.
“Come on there’s no time for talking” she said and we all left the changing room.
The rest of the day wasn’t really interesting. For me it was interesting because I learnt a lot today but I know that you’re not interested in that doctor’s stuff. You wanna hear the blood stuff and how we saved lives but today it was really quiet in the hospital. And the whole day I didn’t see him until I wanted to go home.
“Dr Grey” He said and smiled to me.
“Dr Shepherd” I answered.
“So… you go home?” He was still smiling.
“Yes” I didn’t want to talk with him.
“And what are you going to do tonight?” When he saw my face he started laughing.
“I’m still not going out with you” I replied.
“Did I ask you?” I tried to stay calm but he drove me crazy.
“No” I said and looked at him.
“Do you wanna go out with me?” Now he started laughing again.
“No!” I turned around and walked away.
“So we’ll see us at Joe’s, right?” Unfortunately I was going to meet Cristina there at nine o’clock.
“So they drive you crazy?” Cristina asked.
“Who?” I didn’t know who she was talking about because I was thinking about my conversation with McDreamy.
“The princess and Bambi who are living in your house” She replied and ordered one drink more.
“No, they don’t. I told you this morning. I like them” We both knew that I was lying but even if they drove me crazy I liked them and they were the reason why I had to live alone in that big house.
“And McDreamy, does he drive you crazy?” I didn’t know why she asked me because I told her that I wouldn’t go out with hm.
“He just won’t stop asking me. I don’t know how often I told him I won’t go out with him” I said.
“Are you talking about the blue-eyed doctor from the other night?” Joe asked while he gave Cristina her drink.
“Yes, why do you know?” I was surprised. I met Derek here, yes, but how could Joe know that we were talking about him?
“Because every time he was here he asked If you were here tonight” Cristina began to laugh.
“Sorry? You are joking, aren’t you?” I was totally shocked.
“Yes I am. He didn’t ask but I knew that he was waiting for you” He was telling the truth now.
“And how can you that he was waiting for her?” Cristina didn’t believe him.
“Every time a woman came in he looked at her but then he turned around” Joe reported.
“Is he here now?” I asked.
“No” Joe answered and turned around before I could say thank you.
One hour later Cristina left. I wasn’t tired so I decided to stay for a few minutes.
“Hi” Suddenly I regretted it.
“Hi” I said and looked at him. Joe wasn’t right. He wasn’t blue-eyed. He was green-eyed.
“You’re here” He said.
“I am. I met Cristina” I answered because I didn’t want him to believe I was here because of him.
“And where is she now?” McDreamy asked and ordered one glass of Single Malt Scotch.
“She’s gone” I wasn’t sure if I should go now.
Derek didn’t answer. He just smiled and looked at Joe before he took a sip.
“Hey Doc” Joe said and looked at me.
“What?” I didn’t know exactly what was going on but both were looking at me and smiled.
“Nothing” both said and started laughing.
“I should go” My voice sounded nerved.
“Please don’t” Derek apologised “I’m sorry it was just... man’s business”
“Good night” I turned around and left.
I sat in my car and drove back home. I turned the radio on and tried to think about something else than McDreamy. Every time I see him he’s smiling and it’s not a normal smile it’s like he makes fun of me. Suddenly there was this weird sound coming out of my car until the car stopped itself.
“Damn” I left my car and went to the engine hood. Well you have to know that I don’t know anything about cars. I opened the engine hood and tried to diagnose something.
I returned to my car. I was looking for my purse… but it wasn’t there.
“Shit…shit shit” I left my purse at Joe’s! So I had no cell phone for calling somebody and I had no money.
Fortunately a car stopped.
“Meredith?” Oh no. I knew this voice. There are six billions of other people on this world but he has to find me. “What happened?”
“I don’t know… there was this weird sound and then my car stopped and I left my purse at Joe’s so I couldn’t call anybody” Honestly I don’t know what I’d done if he didn’t find me.
“Let’s call a wrecking service” He went back to his car and called them.
“Okay… they said they’ll be here in half an hour” Derek informed me.
“Thank you”
“Come, let’s wait in my car” I was cold so I followed him into his car.
“Did you follow me?” I asked.
“Yes” McDreamy confessed.
“Look you’re my boss and I don’t wanna be rude so let’s imagine that you’re in the next five minutes aren’t my boss“ I began and made a little break before I continued “Derek, stop it. I’m not going out with you. So even if you think you are a hero because you saved me, what you have done is stalking. So please, stop it”
He looked at me and started grinning. “Meredith I followed you because I wanted to bring you your purse”
“Oh” I didn’t know what I should say so I looked out of the window and hoped that the guys from the wrecking service were coming.
“Don’t mind” He recognised that I felt uncomfortable “So those five minutes while I’m not your boss aren’t over, are they?”
“No they aren’t. Why?” Before I noticed what was going to happen he leant forward and kissed me. His lips were soft and I recognised that he was smiling. Then he stopped it. I wanted to say something but I couldn’t. Suddenly McDreamy left the car. I turned around so I could see why – the wrecking service was coming.
I breathed deeply and followed him.