AW: Amnesya - Online Rätsel
Ich bin mal eben ins 3. Level gegangen, also im Quelltext steht:
<!-- Well done ! This is the source of the webpage you are visiting...
It contains all the information about the page displayed in your browser.
You can find very useful hints hidden in the HTML code.
Some advice:
- Your window should be at least as large as the <- start/end of the amesya code - >
- Consider the HTML information between the <- start/end of amnesya code - > lines only.
Other HTML content won't give you any additional clue to solve a riddle.
Now go to click.htm -->
Also einfach auf gehen.
Ich bin mal eben ins 3. Level gegangen, also im Quelltext steht:
<!-- Well done ! This is the source of the webpage you are visiting...
It contains all the information about the page displayed in your browser.
You can find very useful hints hidden in the HTML code.
Some advice:
- Your window should be at least as large as the <- start/end of the amesya code - >
- Consider the HTML information between the <- start/end of amnesya code - > lines only.
Other HTML content won't give you any additional clue to solve a riddle.
Now go to click.htm -->
Also einfach auf gehen.