Ich habe das Buch "Betrayed" auf englisch gelesen und soll dazu eine Inhaltsangabe schreiben. Es wäre lieb, wenn sich der eine oder andere meinen Text mal durchließt und mir Fehler unter die Nase hällt.

The book “Betrayed“ is written by Carl Taylor.
Thomas Walker is a new pupil at the boardingschool “Hartland”. On his first day he meets the teacher John Clay, who is also new. This school looks nice and peaceful, but there are students being unfriendly and playing nasty pranks on the new students like pouring water over their heads while they are asleep as a welcome ritual. Bradley is the rudest of them and works in the school pub, where he takes the money for himself. The German teacher Peter Hansen tries to catch Bradley to charge him for the crime. On a meeting, the headmaster desides, that the money of the pub has to be controlled by a comitee. So Bradley deales with drugs to earn money. However, Hansen and Clay know this, because Thomas told. But the headmaster doesn’t react: There is no proof!
Finally the headmaster dismisses the two teachers, supposedly the school hasn’t enough money to keep them. Also Brad wants to avenge himself on Thomas for the betrayed.
“Betrayed” – a book with an open end.

The book “Betrayed“ is written by Carl Taylor.
Thomas Walker is a new pupil at the boardingschool “Hartland”. On his first day he meets the teacher John Clay, who is also new. This school looks nice and peaceful, but there are students being unfriendly and playing nasty pranks on the new students like pouring water over their heads while they are asleep as a welcome ritual. Bradley is the rudest of them and works in the school pub, where he takes the money for himself. The German teacher Peter Hansen tries to catch Bradley to charge him for the crime. On a meeting, the headmaster desides, that the money of the pub has to be controlled by a comitee. So Bradley deales with drugs to earn money. However, Hansen and Clay know this, because Thomas told. But the headmaster doesn’t react: There is no proof!
Finally the headmaster dismisses the two teachers, supposedly the school hasn’t enough money to keep them. Also Brad wants to avenge himself on Thomas for the betrayed.
“Betrayed” – a book with an open end.