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Claimed by Gods (English RPG)

AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


Just as the other teams, Valentina and two other members of Camp Half-Blood had wandered into the woods to fight some monsters. They had collected three ribbons and were now continuing their path, looking for new opponents, all quite confident due to their recent triumph. Paying close attention, the team went deeper into the woods. Suddenly, they heard a rustling and a harpy appeared. The young girl gripped the gladius that she was using instead of her usual dagger very tight. With short signs, they arranged themselves and wanted to start the fight against the monster.

Out of a sudden, the harp disappeared. Valentina looked at the empty spot, startled. What had happened? This was very suspicious. She looked around to see if the harpy was hiding anywhere, but noticed nothing. When Damian went to get the ribbon, she was as suspicious as Flora, but unfortunately didn't say anything. The apparition of the babylonian serpent came so fast that neither of the girls had time to react. In the next second, Damian was lying on the ground, bleeding severly.

"What the hell?!", Valentina screamed in panic. "I thought these things weren't supposed to do any dangerous damage!"

The girl was more than overwhelmed by the situation, and she almost forgot that the the monster was still right there, now turning towards them. Finally regaining her grip, she lifted her sword, but not with a lot of hope. She knew that in this state, the two girls didn't stand a chance against the beast-gone-wild. They needed help.

(Hope the post is alright!)
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


Gideon beckoned Mary as she disappear in the woods and her laughing about a joke from one of the Ares sons was the last Gideon had heared from the young lady. "At least, Mary seems to be have her fun with the muscelmen" he murmured with a hint of a smile. Then he take another look of Charles leg, but the daugther of Nemisis stood up. As she asked him to take the ribbon, Gideon wanted to pick it up, but Adriana was quicker than Gideon. After he saw her eyes he went one step back and raised his hands fending. "No worry, its yours" he mumbled and raised one eyebrow.

The Son of Hephaestus took his sword and followed the two girls deeper in the forest. Most of the time on their way, it was very quiet. A little bit too quiet for Gideon. When he realized that not even the birds were singing, it was already too late. A harpyie jumped out of nowhere and attacked the group. Gideon recognized the Harpy. The beast had a long cut on the shoulder, which was given by Gideons sword. "This Beast is mine..." he growled at the Harpy and rise his sword. This time, Gideon wouldn't let off from the Harpy until he held the orange ribbon in his hand. After a few minutes the harpy screamed in pain, as Gideons sword pierced the Harpys chest. The cry still echoed from the tops of the trees, as the body of the monster dissolved in golden dust and left the orange ribbon.

"Ha! And now, who have the the final say?" (dt. das letzte Wort haben) Gideon grinned complacently into the woods, then he turn back to Adriana and Charles. "Now we have three Ribbons, right? Let's get more! I hope there will be more monsters. I don't grant the victory Ares sons." he smiled and went on to the stream with the clearing. All the way, he didn't say another word, because he was thinking about a trap for the monsters. It should be easier to geht the orange ribbons. More precisely, it should be easier to get more of the orange ribbons at a single blow. Gideon started to collect some strong-looking branches.

As they reached the clearing, Gideon let fall the branches. "Hey Adriana, do you have a couple of hair ties?" he asked her, then he looked to her and Charles feets. "Do you wear nylons?" he asked the two girls. "I will try to build a little monstertrap" he grinned promising. "Ah, and Charles, I think I could need your slingshot". Gideon heard nothing from the deadly incident in the forest, so he calmly began to arrange the branches in a form like a cage.
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


Adriana tried to collect her mind. It was horrible that everyone just saw her beauty. In normal life it was perfect but in training... Everything was silent... even the birds didn´t sing a song... a second later they were attacked by a harpy. She wanted to shoot it but Gideon growled that this one was his.

Menfolk... she thought sarcastic. Why does he need to take the risk? Does he want to show of what kind of man he was? Adriana was shirty. It would be so much easier if they could helped him. A few minutes later it was over and she could see how happy Gideon was about it. Was this fight now enough to feed his pride?

They started walking again. Adriana wasn´t sure what to think. She was new in the camp and didn´t know anyone. But she tought it would be more fun to go hunting. Probably that she could speak with her team. That they become friends. But it was different. They were no friends. She wasn´t even sure if they liked her. They arrived at the clearing and Gideons question filled her up with shame. Yes, she had hair ties. But when she gave them to him, what would he think? It would make the tought of her as a barbie stronger... or?

"Yes, I have hair ties" she said in a very soft voice and gave four to him. The next question was like a slap in the face. Without a word she turned around and hide herself in the back of a tree. She wore shorts today and nylons to protect her legs a little bit. It took her 15 seconds to take them of. Gosh, she was a barbie. Everyone was right... It took her some very deep breath to hold her tears. Totally cool she got back to Charles and Gideon. The Nylons in her hands. Without a word she just put it in his hands.

"How can I help you?" she ask calmly.
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


When the harpy showed up, Charles was glad Gideon offered to take it himself. For a second she thought of him doing this to prove his manlyhood to impress Adriana, but those were just speculations. It must be a great feeling, if boys stare at you with open mouths. Maybe she might be able to get Adriana to give her a few tips on that. When the harpy cried out and fell to dust, she blinked confused. She hadn't given the battle Gideon was fighting any attention.

"Four", she corrected him, pointing at the ribbon she had collected and the one Adriana had picked up after she gave the helldog the deathblow. "4 won't be enough and we have only half an hour left." After they had reached the clearing, Gideon offered a solution to this problem and Charles had to smirk. Even though she suggested a trap right from the beginning, she was sure it was going to be nothing she could ever have thought of. Sadly she had to answer with no to both of his questions. She neither had any more hair bands left (the one she had was part of her slingshot now, which was sticking auf of her jeans pocket) nor was she wearing nylons. But Adriana left and came back just seconds later, giving Gideon what he had asked for. Instantly she looked down at herself. Short jeans ending above her knees, a bite mark on her bare skin and greyish chucks, which once had been olive green. Maybe she should wear nylons more often, if it worked for Adriana that well.


When the serpent turned around, Flora froze. It was slithering on the ground towards them, showing its fangs, still red from Damian's blood. She heard Valentinas voice, but was unable to concentrate on what she said. When the monster raised its head to the height of the two girls heads, she suddenly unfroze and threw herself at Valentina, bringing both of them to the ground. In the same moment she willed all those little plants and leaves around to wrap them in a planty cocoon. She had remembered what Chiron had told them about Babilonian Serpents before. They spit accid. Strong accid.

It had just been in time, because the monster spat the accid and did fail them by seconds. When the plants let go of the two girls, most of them had a yellowish colour, being affected by drops of the accid, while the girls remained unharmed. Still lying on the floor, Flora could make out three figures running through the woods towards them. When she pointed at them to show Valentina, she was finally feeling as if everything was going to be alright again. At least for a second.
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


Viktoría starred with growing fear to the three helldogs. One for each? How should they do this? Her mind raced and came up with a solution. A very crazy solution, but it could work. She glanced at Keith and Kimon and back to the hounds. They had spread out so that each of them was facing one half-blood. Which was stupid, but this thought never broke through Torís panic. All she could think about was her crazy and stupid plan.

Before "her" helldog was able to disappear she ran forward. The monster was too puzzled with this attack to react in any way. Normaly prey would not leap forward to attack the hunter and this moment of confusion was all the daughter of Athena needed. She jumped and brought her sword down on the monster which vanished into gold dust. Her pulse raced and joy and panic and fear and relief washed through her body before she realised that her teammates could be in danger. She spun around and caught a glimps of Kimon struggling under "his" helldog. "By the Gods", she breathed befor she ran back and the ribbon from her monster dangling forgotten around her wrist. With one mighty blow she cut the beasts head of and fell over on her knees. She didn't hear the scream because her blood rushed in her ears and she tried very hard not to freak out. Keith seemed fine with his helldog and that was good.

"No problem Ki", she murmured from the ground. After Keith killed his helldog she was able to catch her breath again and stood up. "a scream?", she asked and looked worried again. She exchanged a look with Keith and Kimon and started running after them always looking around for a trap or monsters. Now she could her screaming as well and it sounded frantic. "What the...?" she never finished the sentance when they broke trough the last branches and came to an halt behind Flora and Valentina. But they had no time.

A Babilonian Serpent attacked them with accid and missed them by millimeters. "No, no, no..." Viktoría glanced around the place and now she discovered Damian's body. "By the Gods, no." She wanted to run over to him to check if he was still alive even though the chances were very low. She gripped Keith's and Kimon's arms and pulled them to a tree near Flora and Valentina. "We have to help them! Fast!"

(Mah, nicht so toll geworden der Post... ich hoffe ihr könnt was damit anfangen. ;))
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)

(Weiss gar nicht was du hast, finde den Post ganz gelungen ;) )

Faster as Keith was able to notice, Kimon lay on his back and the big Helldog stood right over him. "Damn!", he cursed and wanted to invent but there already Vic had cut of the head of the beast. Slowly he took the ribbon from the ground and walked over to his teammates. "Is everything alright?", he asked and putted the ribbon around his wrist. Looks like they had good chances to win this competition.

Also Keith heard the scream and looked around before he and his teammates ran deeper into the wood to find the source. What was going on here? Suddenly the ground in front his feet seemed to melt. The accid of the Babilonian Serpent was very aggressive and Keith thought that it was a wonder, that they weren't hit by the attack of that Monster.
"Viktoría!", he shouted, as they walked a few steps back, "Please tell me, that you have a plan. A good one."
Keith eyes meet the one of Flora and then them of Valentina. They seemed to be in a big mess. How should the Team help them. The Serpent wasn't as easy to kill as a bundle of Helldogs.
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


Kimon knew even from the distance that this monster wasn't easy to kill. As they ran between the trees his thoughts spun around what it could be. Chiron wouldn't let such a dangerous monster into the Camp's forest. But it smelled lethal. The trees seemed to blur while the three of them gained speed.

Abpruptly they came to a halt. They have reached the scene in the clearing. The Serpent was several meters tall and looked really pissed. Alarmed Kimon saw Damians body on the ground. But the girls caught the most part of his attention. They were in real danger. So, without thinking it through the satyr obeyed his instincts as a guradian and sprintet to the other demigods. He snatched each one hand of them and ran to a very thick trunk to hide them from the Serpent. Unfortunately the monster's attention was fully focused on Flora and Valentina. So it chased the three of them in a speed, that no one would believe (from a serpent). But because the monster never had recognized Keith and Viktoría, it knocked over Torí with it's huge body and suddenly the daughter of Athena lay unter the serpent.
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


Abruptly brought out of the state she was in by Flora throwing herself at her and being wrapped in by dozens of plants, Valentina let out a little scream of surprise. But when the plants disappeared into the ground again, she was very thankful what Flora had done because she saw what the serpent's acid had done the plants and what he could have done to them. Still in shock by that realization, she didn't notice the approaching team until Flora pointed them out. When the young girl saw the fellow demigods coming to help them, she let out a little sigh of relief.

Still, the danger wasn't over yet. The serpent was still right in front of them and not any less lethal. But before she could get up to keep up the fight, a member of the group - a satyr - emerged and sprinted towards them. Valentina felt a sudden pull on her hand and before she knew it, she had been swept away to a trunk where the satyr hid them.

"Thank you", she whispered. "What should we do now?"

Being behind the tree, she didn't see that the serpent now threatened Viktoría and thought that the monster's attention was still on them, like it was until mere seconds ago. She knew that they had to fight them somehow, but she was also still a little shocked and very afraid of the huge danger this monster was. For a second, she rued the day that she found out who her mother really was and had decided to go to Camp Half-Blood. These things didn't happen in high school, that was for sure.
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


One moment all three of them stood behind the tree and in the next Kimon was running for the girls. Viktoría couldn't help herself and ran after him clutching her sword very hard. Every possible way of killing the beast raced through her mind... well that didn't take long because she remembered stories she heard years ago. "The only weak spot is their bottom half and it is always near the ground." But their big teeth are there too and their acid could melt metal. "Wait! The acid...", she called out and realized too late that she ran too far. The Demi-god stood clearly visible in the clearing and the Serpent moved very fast toward her.

Torí tried to jump out of the way, but didn't get far. She landed on her back and the impact nearly knocked her out. The monster moved on and pinned her left leg to the ground. The daughter of Athena bit her lip so she wouldn't cry out in pain. The serpent managed to have a smug expression, even though it had no actual facial expression at all. It turned its head toward her and it seemed to make itselve ready to spit more acid. 'No, no, no, no...', again this was everything Viktoría could think of and made a despaired leap forward and up. Her leg screamed its painful protest and afterwards she was sure she heard a faint 'squing' when one of her tendons (Sehne) gave up.
But she managed to bring her sword into contact with the serpents ‘belly’ (Bauch) hard enough to make it scream in pain. Or was it her own voice she heard? Whoever it was the serpent moved away from Viktorías leg and the girl crawled and slipped as fast as she could to the trunk where Kimon end the girls were hiding, fearing the whole time to feel the impact of a lot of acid.
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)

Keith stood behind Kimon and Víctoria and wasn‘t able to stop them from runnig into the danger. He saw that Víc just wanted to follow her friend without a clue that the Serpent was going wild. His hand grapped her arm, but she just broke away (losreißen). Just able to observe that whole scene Keith grapped an arrow and aimed at the Serpent.
He saw that Kimon was really able to rescue the two girls and hide them.

„Víctoria!“, he shouted as he saw that the Serpent moved towards his Teammate and faster as Keith was able to realise he saw Víc‘s Body under the Serpent, which wanted to attack her with his acid. „Holy sh**!“, while he was cussing he let the arrow fly right towards the Monsters head and hoped to hurt it‘s eye and distract it in that situation, so that the whole group would have at least a little chance.
„God damn!“, he cursed again, as he saw Victoria cutting the Monsters belly with her sword and afterwards crawling towards Kimon and the others. Keith wanted to get over there, the girl seemed to be really hurt after that attack and maybe he could help her. He jumped in front of the tree behind that he was hiding and looked after the Serpent. Suddently the big tail of the screaming monster hit him on the chest. As Keith hit the ground he nearly passed out. As fast as he could he jumped on his feet again, took an arrow and aimed at the Serpents head again while he was running towards the others. His mind was racing, because he was thinking of an idea to defead that thing.
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


Kimon stood behind the trunk with the two girls. To Valentinas question his only answer was "Shhhhh! Stay here and hide!" He took a quick look to the scene that was all but positive. He deeply breathed in fear. When he saw that Victoría lay under the serpent and failed to kill it and Keith wasn't prepared for such kind of monster, Kimon leaped forward, his sword raised to the air, screaming with anger.

Fortunately Kimons scream gained the serpents attention. But now unfortunately the monsterts attention was on Kimon. It let out an untypical snarl and then opened its mouth to spit some acid towards the satyr. Luckily Kimon was away from the trunk where the girls hid and he was very fast on his goat legs. He jumped out of the way, not a part of a second to early. The grass that had been on the ground turned into brown mud. The acid ran under Kimons "feet" and he thanked Pan for his hooves, that were immune to the serpents acid.

Out of his angry eyes Kimon looked up into the monsters eyes. The monster didn't recognize the strange glow in the satyrs eyes and so it snapped towards him. Kimon took a step to the side, that the serpents head was right beside his sword. Without thinking he pierced his sword into the serpents eyeball. But out of rage the monster shook and straigthened up, so that Kimon lost the grip of his sword. It was still plunged in the serpents eye socket. But it must have harmed the monsters brain because it now looked a bit dizzy and its head was turning to the left and the right uncontrollably.
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)

The Babilonian Serpent

The beast screamed, when Viktorias sword cut through its belly. The open wound was not deep enough to show the serpents entrails (dt: Innereien), but still deep enough to cause pain and force the beast to go a lot slower. All the sticks and leaves on the ground suddenly became dangerous weapons.

Next an arrow hit one of the serpents eyes - another scream and a furious blast with its tail was the reaction. Stunned for a second and well aware of the dramatical change in the situation, it's tongue poked out of it's mouth and sniffed in the air, focussing on the trunk, behind which Flora, Valentina and Kimon were hiding, as their smell was most intense. Slowly the creature moved towards them and shot in the air, when the satyr jumped into sight. With a sudden speed, the monster spat a load of acid towards the son of Pan, but failed its aim by seconds. Too late it realized Kimon's attack and then the second eye was gone. This time, it did not even scream, but wobble around, unable to focus on anything but the pain.

When a second arrow hit its head, it just bounced off it's armour-like scales. Instead of hurting the serpent, the arrow gave it a direction to attack. It twisted around and took all the anger to go for it's victim with vicious speed, ignoring the pain for just a second. But still dizzy it didn't realize that Keith jumped out of it's way, which made the creature to bump into the tree, head first. It hadn't noticed the sword was still sticking in it's head since Kimons attack, but turned to golden dust, when the hilt hit the tree and brought the sword deeper into the serpents head.
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)

As the Monsters head rushed towards him, Keith was sure, that he was going to get to underworld and shake Hades hand. But he was able to jump away, exactly he was more stumbling and falling to the side. So the Serpent crushed into a tree and seemed to knock it self out. Keith, who was sitting on the ground next to the monster, wasn't really sure what would be the next that happened. Suddenly he saw the sword sticking in the eye and than the Serpent already disappeared.
"Thank the Gods!", Keith shouted and feeling the tension fading. But then Víctoria came to his mind. He jumped on his feet and looked around the clearing. She lay on the ground near the trunk, where the others where hiding. As fast as possible he ran to her and kneeled next to her, while he carefully helped her to turn on her bag. "How are you?", he asked. "Are your sinews torn? I mean, do you think so?" But the sinews where Keith's littlest worries. It was also possible, that her leg was broken.
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)

Gideon studied the branches as Adriana disappeared behind a tree. For a short moment he wondered about Adriana's behavior, because he didn't think that way Adriana was thinking. "Did I say something wrong?" he asked Charles with a little weird glance. However Charles doesn't have the time to answer his questions, because Adriana was to quick. It took her only a few seconds to give him what he had asked for. "Thank's Be... Adriana" he corrected himself and gave her a friendly smile.

Gideon took a few steps to the branches and knelt down beside them, then he took his little knife out of his pocket and began to sharpen the end of some of the branches. On and off the son of Hephaestus took a glance of his surroundings to look after a monster, but it was all quiet in the clearing. The silence makes Gideon a little bit nervous, thus he sharpend the last branches faster.

When Adriana offered her Help, Gideon looked at her. For a Moment he didn't expect her offer, but then he noded and gave her some branches. "I want to build a simple cage, but the trick in the cage are this pointy branches" Gideon grinned and showed her the prepared branches. "We will build the cage with this yarn" Gideon pulled the yarn out of his pocket. It looked like thin metallic yarns and when you touched it you could feel how hot it was. "A little birthday gift from my Father,...." he explained.

Gideon showed Adriana how she should tie the branches and after a few minutes later, the cage stood before them. "It looks like how I had imagined it" he grinned pleased. "No monsters in sight, Charles?" he asked his teammate, then he took the last branches and the nylon plus the hair ties from Adriana and tinkered a gate that automatically snaped when somebody or something cross one of the hair ties. The other pointy branches he put through the holes of the cage. He wanted to avoid that the monsters could escaped after they were caught.

"You both will hide in the tree and wait until a monster is in the trap. I will lure the monster to the trap. Adriana you handle your bow. Charles, the slingshot looks tiny and not very effectiv, but* the Appearances are deceiving. (dt. der Schein trügt). When you shoot this bullets with your - and only with your - slingshot then you should be suprised." Gideon rummaged around in his pocket and pulled some bullets out.

After Gideon had gave the instructions, he moved into his position in a safe place of the cage and waited for the monsters.

(I hope you can do something with this post. It is not the most ingenious trap.... I leave it to you, how many monster we catch, if we catch some monsters ^^. I thought that the trap snaps open and close again, as soon a monster goes in the trap. You also can Gideon let fight a little, if it fits in your posts.)
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


Valentina did just as Kimon said, she kept quiet and hid from the serpent as well as she could. Of course she couldn't help but take a look what was happening and she watched the scene with fear - one after one, all three members of the other team tried to kill the serpent. She looked at Viktoría with a great fear that the girl had been hurt when she came crawling to hide with them.

Meanwhile, the satyr leapt forward and dug his sword into the serpent's eyeball. This was the end of him. Valentina felt a great wave of fear coming up when the serpent, though blind, guessed the direction they were in all too well and tried to attack. She let out a little squeal when suddenly, it bumped into a tree and turned into golden dust.

"Thank the Gods", she whispered.

When she realized that this meant the danger was over, she hugged Flora enthusiastically, very happy to still be alive. She looked at the other team, Keith worryingly examining Viktoría that was lying on the ground, with gratefulness in her eyes. If these members of Camp Half-Blood hadn't come to help them, Flora and her would probably have been dead by now.

"Dead", she thought and immediately she remembered Damian. Oh God, he was dead. The happiness of being saved faded in a second as she thought of his corpse, still lying there. She bit her lip and looked at the ground.

"So, what should we do now?", she mumbled.

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