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Claimed by Gods (English RPG)

AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


John and his team stepped out of the forest carrying 13 ribbons. He tried to catch glimpses of the amount of ribbons the other teams managed to collect and with every step towards the amphitheatre he felt more sure of the victory. John loved to win, so he was feeling pretty proud of himself, when Chiron announced John's team the winner.
He was just about to step down and retrieve his promised surprise, when Chiron continued talking.

With mixed feelings he eyed the three demigods who stepped down and were handed a box. He was feeling unsatisfied, angry and jealous; after all HE managed to kill the most monsters, he deserved some price for it. It wasn't his fault that Damian managed to get himself killed so far away from John's team... John would have come to his rescue too.. probably.. maybe.

John eyed the crowd, finding only sad and humble faces. Apparently noone else thought of Chirons actions as being unfair. It was then that John once again had to realise that his wild and aggressive nature was taking over, clouding his judgement and closing his eyes for the important things. With much concentration he tried to calm himself, tried to feel compassion for Damian and his friends and family, but he just hasn't been raised that way. All he could manage was to dimmer his anger and stay indifferent. Of course he wasn't happy that a demigod had died, but he didn't even know Damian that well, so why should he feel overly sad over his death?

Without saying anything to anyone he followed the crowd of demigods to the great fire, where he immediately grabbed some bread and meat and started to eat.
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)

In the Big House / Chiron

When Chiron, the 4 demigods and the satyr entered the big, blue house, Mr. D, better known as Dyonisus, and Rachel, the new Oracle of Delphi, were already there, sitting on chairs and offering the rest to take a seat as well.

"Anyone a Diet Coke?", Chiron asked and handed everyone a drink, serving Mr. D first. Rachel took hers, but let the tin rest on her knees instead of opening and drinking it. She looked thoughtful and depressed and the nervous glance in her eyes would tell everyone, who tried to read her mind, that she knew exactly what happened and even more. However, being the Oracle of Delphi made everyone expect her to knew more anyway.

"So tell me again, what happened.", Mr. D. said after he had emptied his first can of Coke, being given a second, while Valentina and Flora told him what happened before the others arrived. Mr. D. shook his head, if as he was listening, but his eyes focused something out of the window. When the girls finished, he repeated:
"A harpy dissolved into dust, without anyone killing it. Then the dust reformed to another monster. That is really bizare."

He took another sip of his Coke.
"I would not believe you, if it wasn't for this annoying redhead sitting next to me", pointing to Rachel. She didn't look offended, maybe she was used to his manner of speaking as most of the campers were. She opened her mouth to speak, but Chiron interupted her, explaining.
"A great prophecy was spoken a few weeks ago. Usually it takes years to ages until they actually come true, but this time it seems to happen a bit faster."
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


Viktoría leand against a tree when Kimon lay her down on the ground. She closed her eyes for a moment and pushed away all fears and sadness so she could concentrate on her leg for a minute. It did hurt, but it didn't seem to be broken. A good news at last. Kimon's voice cut through her thoughts even though he was wispering. Her eyes flew open again and she blinked. "I feel a little dizzy, but I'm alright. The leg isn't broken", she answered and did what he told her. She slung her hands around her leg and followed his gaze.

"You have been very brave Kimon, Pan's son", Torí said and smiled to cheer him up a little bit. She squeezed her eyes shut and swallowed a gasp when he helped her up again and took her to the first aid house where he gave her a small piece of Ambrosia. "thank you again", she mumbled as she swallowed the medicine and felt a warmth spread inside her belly. After a few minutes the pain lessened and she was abel to stand alone again.

"We should find the others, don't ya think?", the daughter of Athena asked. Together they went to the amphitheatre. They arrived in time to watch the honouring of Jack and Jon's team. '13 monsters. Not bad at all.' Her eyes met Keith's shortly befor they were announced winners of the combat. With Kimon's help she stood up and went up to Chiron. She met his gaze and couldn't help but feeling a little proud. The centaur gave them a golden compass. "Thank you", she wisperd as she showed it to her teammates. She frowned as her eyes followed the needle. A compass which did not show north? "This is Janus, God of Decisions", she muttered to herself and looked up at Chiron for a second. She sighed and put the compass away after Kimon had a good look at it.

Viktoría wanted to say something else, but Chiron sent the campers away to the bonfire and told Keith, Kimon, Flora, Valentina and her to follow him to the big house. Her heart sank a little when she thought about the things they would have to talk about. On the way to the house her leg hurt again, not much but enought to make her limp.

In the big house there was Mr. D and Rachel. Viktoría greeted them both and took a seat with a sigh of relieved. She took the can from Chiron smiled at him and opend it, after Mr. D of course and sipped the drink, whlie Flora and Valentina told their story. Her mind raced and tried to make sense out of the words, but she wasn't able to come to a conclusion, so she just stayed quiet until Chiron spoke again.

"A prophecy?", she asked and frowned again. That could be a bad sign. "But.. I thought with Percy winning against the Titans everything would be alright again. Like you said... I thought we had at least a few years before anything big starts again." Another thought crossed her mind and for a moment she felt very sick. She looked up at Chiron and everything in her seemed to scream: 'No! We are not that unlucky, are we?'
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)

sorry for my late post...


Gideon was very annoyed about his broken trap, he didn't understand how it could happen, that his trap faild! Except it was Adriana's fault! Maybe she hadn't tied the branches carefully enough! Or maybe she didn't want to be carefully enough... After all she was the daughter of Aphrodite. The goddess of Love and his father didn't actually get on with each other very well. Especially not after Hephaestus caught red-handed (dt. in flagranti) Aphrodite with Ares the last time.... So, Gideon glanced suspiciously to Adriana, as the last harpy was defeated and they were on their way back to the camp.

His annoyance wasn't gone as they had finally left the forest behind, but as he heared about Damians dead and the Attack of the basilisk, Gideon was shocked. He knew Damian,... they were friends. Not best friends, but they had often lot of fun with each other. The broken trap was forgotten, also his anger about the victory of the Ares-Group. Gideon didn't follow the presentation ceremony (Siegerehrung) very well, his mind was far away in the woods, as he tried to imagine what was going on as Damian died. He heard some rumors, but he wanted to know the true story, not some Speculations.

As Keith Group was called by Chiron, the Hero looked up and listened to Chirons Words. Yes, they deserved the victory, but it seemed, the Son's of Ares weren't Chirons opinion. Only Mary nodded approvingly, though Gideon looked back to Chiron, who sent the heroes to the great fire to take their dinner. But Gideon didn't want to go. He was pretty sure, that Chiron would be talk to Keith and the others and Gideon really wanted to know what they had to say. So he left the amphitheatre with the others, but on the way to the bonfire, Gideon stopped. "Hey Charles" he looked to the girl right next to him. "I will take a shower befor the dinner, I will come a little later." he said, then he turned away and went to the directions of the cabins. As he was out of the sight, he turned again and ran quietly to the big house.

There he crouched down under a window and risked a quick glance. He didn't know whether he was persecuted and also now he didn't take care if he was alone or not. Instead he pricked up his ears (dt. er spitzte seine Ohren) and tried to pick up a few words that were spoken in the house.

(If it isn't ok, that Gideon was following the others, he will not understand any words of what they were saying.)
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)

(No problem, Margit! I like your idea. You are always allowed to support me forming the story of this RPG, and by you I mean all of you, not only Margit.)


When Chiron announced the winner of the competition, Charles could see the feeling of being treated unfair in Johns eyes. She did know this feeling very well and could absolutely understand him. In fact, she shared his opinion. They had collected the most ribbons, it was their price. Somewhere in her head she knew Chirons decision was absolutely reasonable, but it was in her nature to be very sensitive to unfair dealings in general.

She decided to go and give him her support at the great bonfire, but Gideon passed her on her way and told her, he wanted to take a shower first. "Sure, but you better hurry, I won't promise to leave any of the choclate mousse just because you are being vain (dt. eitel)."
Usually she should have sensed he wasn't telling the truth, but she was too focused on other things right now.

When she arrived at the bonfire, she held watch for John. To make her behaviour less obvious, she picked some food first, scrapped some of it from her plate into the great fire, making an offering to her Mom, before she went to sit down next to John. She sat there for a while, eating and not giving any attention to him. At some point she started talking, still without looking at him:
"I think Chirons decision was unfair. You had slain the most monsters and earned the price."
She dipped some of her chicken into the mango sauce, chewing with pleasure, before she continued.
"What do you think of justice, John?"

In the Big House / Chiron

"We are not sure, who the foe is the prophecy is speaking of, but he or she recently started acting. We have a few theories, but they don't make much sense at this point."
He gestured Rachel to continue and so she did.

The girl with the red hair stood up, closing her eyes and repeating the prophecy she had spoken a few weeks ago:
"A sleeper shall wake
and fight for his rights,
if it was for his sake,
but it is for your frights.
He will make three vanish,
he will make three search
and three shall be banished
while saving the earth.
Keep your heads in mind
to be deaths support
while he is one of a kind
there are two of these sorts."

There was no green mist coming out of her mouth and nose, no green light flashing in her eyes. The oracle never speaks a prophecy twice.

Chiron nodded approvingly and Rachel sat down again. He looked at all of them. Still not noticing Gideon, who was eavesdropping (dt. lauschen) at the window.
"What you wittnessed in the woods was not the first time. We've got reports on similar happenings. As I said, we have got a few theories on that, but I don't want to affect your own conclusions."
His face suddenly got a serious expression.
"We told you about the prophecy, because the Fates involved you in what is going on. And as i know the three witches, I don't think this is random."
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


John was still deep in thought about his never-received price and aknowledgement (dt Anerkennung), poking his meat around on his plate, but not really eating it. He didn't register the people around him as he was in deep concentration. Had it been the right decision to not say anything, to not claim his deserved price? In the very least he could have gone to talk to Chiron in private, he could have tried to reason with him, to reward John's team too.

He was so focused on his thought that John didn't realise Charlottes visit at first. Only when she started talking to him, did he look up and towards her. He knew only little of the girl sitting next to him, only that she was a daughter of Nemesis, the goddess of revenge, and that she had been living in Camp Half-Blood before he arrived there.
For a moment John studied her in the flickering light of the fire.
"I know I did." he finally agreed with a small nod before picking apart the piece of meat and shoving one part into his mouth. Slowly he chewed it while listening to Charlottes soft voice.
Even though he never had a conversation with Charlotte, he did engage with children of Nemesis before and therefor knew very well to be very careful with your choice of words when talking to one.
"What do I think of justice?" John repeated the question thoughtfully before turning to the girl fully. "That's an interesting question to ask a child of Ares." After a few seconds in which he studies Charlottes features (dt Gesichtszüge) carefully, he continued: "What do YOU think of justice, daughter of Nemesis?"
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)

(aaaahhh... i mixed up price and prize ^^)


Charles liked chicken. It had always been her favourite meat. Especially with this delicious mango sauce they made at the camp. When she had finished her meal, she licked her fingers. This time she was focusing on John intensly.
"I think...", she interupted herself by taking some of the chicken from Johns plate, which he already had poked to death with his fork. "I think you don't mind me eating your chicken, hm?"

Still, she was looking him straight in the eyes, not talking for a while. She was trying to read his reactions, but he suddenly seemed to be well aware of his expressions. "I think this prize should be yours. You earned it, you won the competition." She started to eat the chicken, when she swallowed the second bite, she continued with a cold, emotionless voice: "I think I know a way to get you what you deserve."
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


John watched Charlotte carefully as she finished her meal, then stole his chicken. He made a indifferent sound and shoved his plate towards the girl as a sign for her to take it. For a while it was silent between the two demigods. Just as John was about to get impatient and walk away from the table, Charlotte continued speaking.
"I think this prize should be yours. You earned it, you won the competition."
With a weary expression John studied the girl. He was unsure if she just told him what he obviously wanted to hear or if her words were spoken with truth. And if so, did she hint (dt andeuten) at an ulterior motive (dt Hintergedanken) or was she just testing his reactions and trying to get a rise out of him. Charlotte was difficult to read, so John decided to just nod his head as a sign of agreement.

He was just about to try to depart in a not too rude manner, when Charlottes next words stopped him. Now his face definitly showed some reaction: curiosity. For the first time since Charlotte sat down beside him, he fully turned his body towards her and gave her his complete attention. "And what way would that be, if I may ask?"
John was still feeling cautious.. after all he really did not want to get on the bad side of a child of Nemesis. But in this moment his curiosity and the anger over loosing his well deserved price were stronger, so he waited patiently (or at least as patiently as he could) for Charlottes answer.
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


Gideon was hungry. He hadn't noticed it at the amphitheatre, because the shock of Damians death was to shattering. But now, as he crouched under the window and the smell of the bonfire buzzing around his nose like a promise, he heard the noise of his stomach instead of a word from Chiron or the others. The Window was left ajar (dt. angelehnt, bin mir nicht sicher ob das so stimmt.), but he heared only muffled voices without any sense. He knew, if he wanted to know what is going on inside the house, he have to open the Window a little bit. So he dare to press slightly against the window to open it slowly and quiet.

In the same time, Rachel stood up and repeated the prophecy. The demigod understand every word, but he also could have let the window closed, because of what he heard makes still no sense for him. He must have a look of the reaction of the others. So he leaned a little bit closer to the window and glanced carefully into the room.

(bad post with bad english, I know, but I'm really tired and I didn't want you to waiting for me.)
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


When Torí could walk again on her own the two of them went to the amphitheatre and arrived just in time. Kimon looked at the compass but he couldn't remember reading or hearing about this thing before. But it was also possible, that he was just too tired now, to remember.

Later, at the Big House he felt very uncomfortable. He thought about Damian. If they had been faster, Damian would be alive right now. But Kimon couldn't think his idea to an end, beacuse Mr. D started talking. It was only a question about drinks, but it brought Kimon to other thoughts. He was very thirsty. Before the "game" Kimon hadn't thought of being part of it, so he hadn't drunk or eaten anything - the whole day. Thankfully he took a can of coke from Mr. D. He opened the can and emptied it in one long sip. Then he started eating the can, while Chiron spoke.

When Rachel stood up, Kimon could swear he heard a window opening very slowly, but when the red-haired girl told them the prophecy, he forgot the window. He tried to interprete every single word the girl spoke, but it was over too fast. Afterwards he listened to Chiron again and thought about what they all have heard before. A small hint of fear started growing in Kimon's stomach.
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


The daughter of Nemesis smiled, when she saw that John was interested in what she had suggested. Clearly he was waiting for further instructions and she didn't want to let him wait for them. Trying not to be too obvious, she yawned, stretching her arms, turning around slightly to see if anyone was close enough to hear them talking. Finally, she moved closer towards John. She looked down at her plate, when she continued to talk, this time in a quite voice, almost whispering.
"I'll have a replica made. We will swap them. Noone will ever notice it isn't the real one. Meet me behind the Athena cabin around midnight."
There was a smirk on her face, when she looked at him again, speaking with a loud voice, while she stood up.
"I can understand that you are interested in being with me, little guy."
She waved with one hand, leaving him alone.
"But you haven't proven yourself worthy yet."

In the Big House / Chiron

Chiron watched the Demigods with a steady eye. Demigods were made for Quests. Usually they can't wait for one. All the training and practice they had at Camp Halfblood were just the beginning. He had hoped for some Quests for his students, but he didn't dare to think of something as big as a great prophecy. Maybe, he tried to calm himself down, he was wrong and there was still plenty of time until the prophecy would come true. But maybe...

A crackling sound interupted Chirons thoughts. It was Rachel, who jumped back on her feet so suddenly, her chair fell over. Her movements were weird and almost puppetlike, when she walked towards the window. There was a green flash in her eyes and green mist began to purr out of her nose and mouth when she began to speak, focusing on Gideon. Her voice was old and obviously not her own. It was the Oracle of Delphi speaking through her.

"Once the humans joy is gone
find the watchful eye at sun
bear it's curse with wise man's talk
a master's net shall help to balk (dt. aufhalten, hindern)"

When she came back to herself, Rachel looked a bit confused, almost as if she just woke up from a long night's dream. Chiron for that matter was still focusing on the window. He was not very proud on Gideon eavesdropping their conversation, on the other hand it seemed to have been fate. The oracle had just given him a Quest. His first, for that matter and it was up to Gideon to form his crew out of two Campers to support him on his mission. Instead of pulling the boy into the house, he just spoke in a loud voice.
"All of you heard what the oracle had just said. I want you to leave now, get some food and sleep. The camp will meet tomorrow morning at the bonfire."
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)

(my first post, so I try to get a hang of this)

Jack was eating a fine piece of pork. He noticed everything around him. Like the little chit-chat that was going on between Charlotte and John, but Jack didn't care. His thoughts were all about the prize and how he could steal it. Yes, he could ask John or Grace for help in this matter, as they were on the team as well, but he decided to go alone on this "quest". At least he is a son of Hermes, he will we able to pull this off alone and be the only owner of the prize. The big trick is: Do not wait until midnight.
Everyone knows, that a robbery starts at midnight, but until then, the prize will be in his hands already.
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


Sie had the feeling that Gideon was angry with her. What had she done? Could he please tell her, what his problem was? They returned silent back to the camp. For a second she was thinking of asking him but then the news of death came to there ear. She was pretty new here so she didn´t know anyone but she was shocked that someone died today in training.

Why are we doing this? Because of the monsters or what? I don´t get why we are fighting. It would be better if we would be here to fall in love with each other. But here is no love in this camp. Not really. Some passion: Yes. But at the moment she didn´t know anyone good enough to put the passion on fire. She was frustrated. All her life she was instressted in love an affairs. She didn´t now why. Now she knew. Because of her mother. She godness of love and beauty. She lend some books out of the library about the mythology of greek.

She didn´t follow the award ceremony. She was just in her toughts. Sad that we didn´t won. I tought we were god with our 8 monsters. The ceremony was over and she heard how Gideon said that he want to get a shower first. And she had the feeling that he didn´t really said the truth. Probably he wanted to met a girl... or a boy. Adriana was smiling. And if he really was saining the truth she could see him naked. Not a bad idea. Very silent she was follwing him. Were was he going? He was eavesdropping. Not that exciting. But a secret. Not to bad. She was staying were she was. 25m away from him between the trees. It would be impossible to go closer to him without him or the person in the house knowing. So she was waiting. After a while everyone was leaving the house and Gideon was going away from the house. After he passed her without seeing her. She was coming out of her ambush.

"Nice shower, Gideon. DO you want to tell me what you´ve heard?" she asked with her best smile. If he would not telling her what he´ve heard she would just sell it out.

(Hope its okey. if not just edit it)
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


"A sleeper shall wake..." Gideon frowned one's brow. (dt. Stirn runzeln) "He will make three vanish, three search and three shall be banished... what the..." he really didn't understand anything and also his risky blick to the demigods inside the house wasn't helpful to make him understand. Why must an oracle always speaks in so cryptical words and rhyme? Oh right! Because it wouldn't be an Oracle.... Gideon grumbled. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to eavesdropping to their conversation and he should had talk to Keith or Torí after the bonfire. So he decided to go back to the others, but at the same time green mist blew out of the window and Gideon was shocked about the voice of the oracle. First he didn't realized the words, because he was so stunned about Rachels Appearance, but then he heard every word and... he didn't understand anything. As Rachel, or the Oracle has ended Gideon's eyes went to Chiron. And although he had many questions, he looked down in shame. He really wanted to say something, but he was so ashamed for his eavesdropping, that he mumbled an apology to Chiron and then he followed the others back to the bonfire.

Gideon was lost in thought, so he walked in silence beside Torí and Kimon, until he heard a little noise. As he looked up, he didn't see anything, so he went to the other. "This was really crazy..." he began to talk about what had happend. But then, the noise grew louder and behind Gideon, Adriana appears. Gideon turned with a half smile to the noise, because he was thinking of Charles. As he saw Adriana the smile on his lips disappears. "Oh Adriana. What are you doing here?" he asked the nosey girl. He didn't want to talk with her about the prophecy, he rather would talk with Charles. But he didn't want to be rude to her. "I'm not sure what I've heard, but what I know is, that you should be by the bonfire." he said, then he look to the others. With a little gesture for Adriana, Gideon followed the others to the bonfire.

"Why did you followed me?" he pointed to Adriana as he walked.
AW: Claimed by Gods (English RPG)


Why should I be at the bonfire Adriana tought. I do not know anyone here and I am to ashamed to speak with someone I do not know. Theres nothing I could do between these people. There are no feelings I could manipulate and no couples I could bring together... But she couln´t tell him. It was her problem.

"You should be at the bonfire to" she said with a little smile. "But you´r not" After he started walking again. She follwed him truh the darkness. But his next question did her feel ashamed. But just for a moment. Now she was walking next to him.

"I had the feeling that you were doing something forbidden and I was curious." sie said and then her smile got naughty. "And so I tought follow him. That will be better then going to a boring bonfire. And if he really just get shower you will see something nice tonight." she said with a perky (dt. keck) smile.

"So now it´s your turn"

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