drew fuller alias Chris Perry: ist er wyatt?
also ich glaub dieses thema gab es noch nicht.
hab grad im internet gesurft, da hab ich was interessantes gefunden:
jemand hat seine meinung über chris gepostet:
09/20/2003 11:33
I think that Chris is actually Wyatt from the alternate future, where Paige was turned to stone and then killed. If you remember fron the season finalle, he did make statements that could support my theory. Leo is NOT gone, but I believe that he wants Chris to believe that. Leo and the Elders will intervene when they know exactly who Chris is and what he is actually up to.And I also think that Cole should come back to cause alittle trouble. And maybe have Pru drop in for some guidence, and a confidence booster for Paige.
also, wenn das stimmen würde, würde das heißen, dass chris eigentlich
wyatt aus der zukunft ist.
aber es ist halt nur eine theorie.
Was haltet ihr davon??
:vampir: :vampir: