X:" I am sick."
Y:"I'll take you home you'll be better tomorrow"
X:"(energisch) no, no, Y. ..(pause) I'm sick, I have xyz."
Y:"no, you are 18, you're perfect...."
X:"no, i found out two years ago , i have stopped responding the treatments"
Y"so why didn't you tell me?"
X:"The doctor said i should go on and live life normally as best I could, i dont want anybody to be wired (?) about me."
Y:"including me??"
X:"especially you! you know I, I was getting along with everything fine, I accepted it and then you happend, I do not need a reason to be angry with god".
Lasst euch nicht durch das viele Englisch abschrecken, hab den Film bisher leider nur auf Englisch gesehen. Aber es ist absolut nicht schwer
