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Gilmore Girls - Quiz und Zitate raten!

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X: Wait, wait. Look around for a second. Notice?
Y: Notice what?
X: It's not so scary anymore.
X: What are you doing?

Y: I was looking for my lip gloss.

X: You need the radio on to look for your lip gloss?

Y: Well, uh, I came out here and I couldn't find it and so I thought maybe if I tried to retrace my steps, it would turn up.

X: Very clever idea.

Y: Yeah, I thought so. So I put my purse on the seat and I put the keys in the car, and naturally the radio came on 'cause that's what it does, and, uh, "Shadow Dancing" was playing, which was one of my all time favorite songs in junior high.

X: And you forgot to look for your lip gloss.

Y: Just for a second.
X: Which makes sense since it's in the ashtray right next to you.

Y: Oh, hey. It is. Look at that.

X: Yes, it's a miracle. Come inside

Y: Well, can't I just wait 'til the song. . .I'm coming.