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Interview April Entainment Weekly

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Habe ein Interview gefunden:

Edited: Ich wusste gar nicht, dass sie wieder single ist....

SHANNEN: "I get to play pranks on my friends and work 6 days out of the year. What could be better?"
Now here's a round of stupid questions(yes, it says that in the interview )
EW: I thought of a good prank you could play on Sci Fi viewers. How about you sneak into their homes and replace all their Babylon 5 tape collections with real life women?
SHANNEN: They might be excited. Is Babylon 5- I don't know that show - is it like, hugely popular?
EW: Pretty much.
SHANNEN: Really? My God, hopefully they'll get culty about me.
EW: How's it going at the Sci Fi Channel? Are nerdy guys hitting on you in the hallway?
SHANNEN: Oh, nobody's hitting on me. But they can. I'm free. I'm single. I'm available. They are more than welcome to; it's good for my ego.
EW: Settle those 90210 rumors once and for all: What was the secret behind Ian Ziering's early - 90's 'fro mullet?
SHANNEN: Dude, that 'fro was hot...we all had different times in the makeup trailer, and I think his hair time was very, very top secret. I think it was done in a corner when everyone esle was gone. You know, I'm sure there was a pick involved. There HAD to be a pick involved.
EW: My editor has a 90210 Brenda doll in her office. You're wearing a big hat with a white flower, floral dress, purple tie, and khaki shorts. You want me to get it back for you?
SHANNEN: I don't need it back, sweetie, because I have 3 at home. My goddaughter likes to take me out of the box and play with me every once in a while.
EW: In Charmed, you once had to banish something called "the woogyman" to save your possessed sister. I don't have a question, but I have to say, I don't blame you for leaving that show.
SHANNEN: Thank You. There's only so many Woogymen I can take in my life - although my personal life would beg to differ.
EW: Hey, this interview is going really well. Wait a sec - you're not going to marry me, are you?
SHANNEN: I might. I've been known to do that.
EW: Wow. I thought you would have hung up by now, and I'm running low on questions. So.....what's up?
SHANNEN: Uh, nothing..I gotta go.