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Jetzt kann ich mich wieder besser an die Filmkritik, die ich gelesen habe, erinnern ...
@ Sweet Piper
Danke für die Beschreibung und die Pics :)! Wenn der Film mal wieder läuft, werde ich sehen, ob ich der Kritik zustimmen kann ...
Ich hab den Film jetzt schon ca. 50 Mal gesehen!! Ich liebe diesen Film...
@Sweet Piper: Deine Beschreibung ist perfekt, hätte es nicht besser machen können!! Aber vielleicht sollte man sagen, dass Quilty sie verfolgt hat. Ich meine damit Dolores und Humbert!!

Sie war Lo, einfach nur Lo am Morgen. Und ohne Schuhe war sie knapp 150 groß. In Hosen war sie Lola, in der Schule Dolly.
Offiziell hieß sie Dolores...
In meinen Armen war sie immer nur: ... Lolita

Das Licht meines Lebens
Das Feuer meiner Lenden
Meine Sünde, meine Seele

Hab ein Zeitchen gebraucht bis ich das hatte. Immer wieder zurückspulen, laufen lassen und mitschreiben ;)
So, hier der zweite Teil ;)

Vielleicht hätte es in meinem Leben, gar keine Lolita gegeben, wenn ich nicht zunächst Annabelle begegnet wäre!
Wir waren beide 14, und was mit einem 14-jährigen Jungen im Sommer passiert, kann sein ganzen Leben bestimmen. Das Hotel, das sie hier sehen, das „Miraná“, gehörte uns.
Sie wollte Krankenschwester werden... und ich... Spion. Aber ganz plötzlich waren wir hoffnungslos ineinander verliebt.
4 Monate später starb sie an Typhus...
Der Schock über ihren Tod ließ etwas in mir erstarren! Das Mädchen, das ich geliebt hatte, war tot.
Aber ich habe noch lange nach ihr gesucht... Noch viele Jahre, nachdem ich meine Kindheit hinter mir gelassen hatte.
Das Gift brannte noch in der Wunde, und die Wunde wollte nicht heilen...
Humbert Humbert is a fine and distinguished gentleman, a citizen of the world, a lover of European culture, who teaches French literature in a small town in New England. And, in this year of 1947, he is looking for accomodation.

He becomes the tenant of Charlotte, a lonely widow, who soon wants to accomodate him in other ways. An empty-headed provincial, an unstoppable chatterbox, she represents what he hates most. But she is also the mother of Dolores, better know as Lolita, a bitchy and witchy twelve year-old nymphet who reminds him of his tragic first love, which he has never been able to forget. In order to conquer Lolita, Humbert rapidly marries his oppressive landlady, feeding her with sleeping pills to cool off her ardour every night. But she soon discovers his wicked ways after looking into his private diary. In a fit of blind fury, she runs out of the house and is killed by a speeding car.

For Humbert, a new life begins. He takes on the role of the orphan's tutor, Lolita, a provocative and innocent false virgin, both enigmatic and childish, plays the seduction game all the way across the States in a long dizzy journey. Thrills, more thrills...

Humbert believes he is in Heaven.

He does not know he's just taken the road to Hell...
LOLITA PHOTOPLAY: EPISODE N° 2:Love, Death and "Hi, Dad!"

picture 1:

“ I could be a dancer. Natural grace... a kind of sad beauty.”

picture 2:

Humbert Humbert
" I’d like to see you dance sometimes. "

picture 3:

Charlotte Haze
" Little girls always want to be ballerinas, don’t they? I know I did. But I was, well, how shall I put it? A tad too plump. Is that the right word?"

picture 4:

Charlotte Haze
" Little Lo’ goes straight from camp to a good boarding school with strict discipline and some sound religious training. "
" I won’t go. I don’t want to go and you can’t make me. "
Charlotte Haze
" We all think it’s a good idea. "

picture 5:

Charlotte Haze
"This is a confession. I love you. Now you know "

picture 6:

Humbert Humbert
" Two weeks later we were married in a simple ceremony. "

picture 7:

Charlotte Haze
" The fat cow? The obnoxious mama? Well, the old stupid Haze woman is no longer your ... dupe. You're a monster! If you come near me, I'll scream ... I'm leaving tonight. You keep this house. I don't care."

picture 8:

Humbert Humbert
" Where’s my wife? "
" Are you Mr. Humbert? "
Humbert Humbert
" I am. "

picture 9:

Mr Beale
" She ran right in front of me. "
" I’m sorry, sir. Is this Mrs. Humbert ? "
Humbert Humbert
" "Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh." "

picture 10:

Little girl in bunny suit
" She was walking to the mail box.
She was going to mail these letters. Sorry. "
Humbert Humbert
" Thank you. "

picture 11:

Haze House
Humbert prepares to burn Charlotte's potentially dangerous letters...

picture 12:

Haze House
...and searches for Lolita's spare pyjamas to
add to his suitcase.

picture 13:

Mrs Holmes
" She should be here any minute. I sent Charlie for her over at the barn. "
Humbert Humbert
" Who’s Charlie? "
Mrs Holmes
" Come on. Come on. It’s such a pleasure to watch our young people make friends. "

picture 14:

"Hi, Dad "

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