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Shannen News der letzten Tage


Aktives Mitglied
9 September 2002
..hab sie euch zusammengestellt... hier bitte..

Shannen supporting BUSH in election
Some stars such as Sean 'P Diddy' Combs have launched non-partisan voter drives, and other celebs, including Kelsey Grammer, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Shannen Doherty, Britney Spears and pop singer Jessica Simpson, are reportedly supporting President Bush.

Sorce: http://www.hellomagazine.com
[vom 6. August 04]

New sitcome - North Shore!
Fox is hoping to make Mondays a bitch again. Net has signed former "Beverly Hills, 90210" star Shannen Doherty to join the cast of its Monday sudser "North Shore."

Sorce: http://www.variety.com
(sie hat für 3 episoden bereits unterschrieben)


Former BEVERLY HILLS 90210 star SHANNEN DOHERTY is heading to Hawaii to play the "bitchy" sister of BRUCE WILLIS' ex BROOKE BURNS in new TV show NORTH SHORE.

Doherty will start appearing on American TV screens from 20 September (04) as ALEXANDRA HUDSON, an "ambitious" long-lost sister of Burns' character NICOLE BOOTH.

TV network FOX is hoping to boost the recently-debuted show's struggling ratings by adding some extra screen sizzle with Doherty's mean character.

Doherty says, "I'm lucky because I have a really loyal fan base and I hope they come over.

"We're still fleshing (my character) out. I think Alexandra has a lot of vulnerability. She grew up knowing her dad was alive and that he knew she was alive, yet wanted nothing to do with her. I'm sure she has some daddy issues."

The brunette beauty will appear in a three-episode arc on the show, with an option to become a regular fixture if the series is given the go-ahead to continue.

[vom 9. August 04]

Shannen's Nightmare
Former BEVERLY HILLS 90210 star SHANNEN DOHERTY has recurring nightmares she's choking on various oversized objects.

The brunette actress admits the nocturnal images are often so vivid, she has woken up many times actually choking.

She says, "I usually choke on very large objects. I have a very large remote control for my electronic equipment, and I swallowed that once in my dream. I couldn't get it out and I was choking. When I woke up I was positive I was dying because the remote was stuck in my throat.

"And then another time I actually swallowed a washing machine. Why haven't my relationships worked out?"

While Doherty has been presented with many non-professional theories as to why she's experiencing the nightmares, she remains unaware of the cause."

alle news ausschliesslich von justshannen.com & bobby77eg.com
charming sister schrieb:
Ich konnte leider nicht alles lesen.
Und bin im Moment auch zu faul mir die entsprechenden Vokabel rauszusuchen. (hab schließlich Ferien ;)) Trotzdem vielen Dank für die umfangreichen News!! :)
Mir geht es gleich. Trotzdem ist es interesant ( das was ich lesen konnte) Währe trotzdem froh wenn einer so nett währ und übersetzer spielen könnte


Hat einer von euch News von Shannens neuen Projekten?
Sie hat doch welche.

Wenn ihr was drpüber wisst postet es ier rein;)

Schreibe deine Antwort....