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The Pussycat Dolls

so, hab endlich alle songs gehört .. I don't need a man ist ja genial!! hot stuff mag ich irgendwie nicht sooo ganz .. ich bin aber auch für stickwitu .. wirklich perfekt :D
Ich kenn von denen nur Don´t Cha. Als ichs gehört habe, hab ichs eigentlich nicht so gut gefunden. Stickwitu klingt eigentlich nicht schlecht. Aber insgesamt find ich sie nicht so toll.
das lied "don´t cha" ist absolut genial,
n album würd ich mir aber trotzdem nicht kaufen.
bin ja schon neugierig auf ihre neue single, anhören werd ichs mir.
Song Stickwitu

I don't want to go another day
So I'm telling you exactly what is on my mind
Seems like everybody is breaking up
Throwing their love away
I know I got a good thing right here
That's why I say (Hey)

Nobody's going to love me better
I'm going to stick with you
Nobody's going to take me higher
I'm going to stick with you
You know how to appreciate me
I'm going to stick with you
My baby
Nobody ever made me feel this way
I'm going to stick with you

I don't want to go another
So I'm telling you exactly what is on my mind
See the way we ride
In our privated lives
Ain't nobody getting in between
I want you to know that you're the only one for me
And I say

Nobody's going to love me better
I'm going to stick with you
Nobody's going to take me higher
I'm going to stick with you
You know how to appreciate me
I'm going to stick with you
My baby
Nobody ever made me feel this way
I'm going to stick with you

And now
Ain't nothing else I can need
And now
I'm singing 'cause you're so, so into me
I got you
We'll be making love endlessly
I'm with you
Baby, you're with me

So don't you worry about
People hanging around
They ain't bringing us down
I know you and you know me
And that's all that counts
So don't you worry about
People hanging around
They ain't bringing us down
I know you and you know me
And that's why I say

Nobody's going to love me better
I'm going to stick with you
Nobody's going to take me higher
I'm going to stick with you
You know how to appreciate me
I'm going to stick with you
My baby
Nobody ever made me feel this way
I'm going to stick with you

Nobody's going to love me better
I'm going to stick with you
Nobody's going to take me higher
I'm going to stick with you
You know how to appreciate me
I'm going to stick with you
My baby
Nobody ever made me feel this way
I'm going to stick with you
Die Lyrics sagen es, Nesseltier - Stickwitu ist die neue Single und macht diese Woche ein Debüt in den US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts auf #85 - vier Plätze hinter Mariah Carey's neuer Single Don't Forget About Us.
Stick with u ist zur zeit einer meiner lieblingssongs:verliebt:
So schön:)
Schade, dass der Song nicht so erfolgreich wie Don´t cha ist:ka:
Würd gern das Album PCD haben:)

Lg Shiny