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Was hört das Forum gerade für Musik?

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Moby - Find my baby

(super cool das Lied)

danch werde ich etwas mit mehr Bewegung hören:

Kaoma - Lambada
Beyoncé Knowles - Daddy

I remember
When you used to take me on a bike ride every day on the bayou
(Remember that? We were inseparable?)
And I remember when you could do no wrong
You come home from work
And I jump in your arms when I saw you
(I was so excited)
I was so happy
(So happy to see you so happy to see you)
To see you

Because you loved me
I overcome
And I'm so proud of what you've become
You've given me such security
No matter what mistakes I make you're there for me
You cure my disappointments and u heal my pain
You understood my biz and you protected me
I treasure every year in place a comemory
And thats why I want my unborn son
To be like my daddy
I want my husband to be like my daddy
There is no one else like my daddy
And I thank you for lovin me
(daddy daddy daddy)
@ Yuki: Schöner Text :zustimmen

Im Moment hör ich Staind- So far away

These are my words
That I've never said before
I think I'm doing okay
And this is the smile
That I've never shown before
Somebody shake me
Cause I'll must be sleeping
I'm so afraid of waking
Please don't shake me
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