Da 2006 das Jahr der Fortsetzungen ist freu ich mich aber am meisten auf den 3 und letzten Teil der X-Men Geschichte

Patrick Stewart .... Professor Charles Xavier
Hugh Jackman .... Logan/Wolverine
Ian McKellen .... Eric Lensherr/Magneto
Halle Berry .... Ororo Munroe/Storm
Famke Janssen .... Dr. Jean Grey/Phoenix
Anna Paquin .... Marie D'Ancanto/Rogue
Kelsey Grammer .... Dr. Hank McCoy/Beast
Rebecca Romijn .... Raven Darkholme/Mystique
Shawn Ashmore .... Bobby Drake/Iceman
Ellen Page .... Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat
Ben Foster .... Warren Worthington III/Angel
Ken Leung .... Quill
Aaron Stanford .... John Allerdyce/Pyro
James Marsden .... Scott Summers/Cyclops
Olivia Williams .... Dr. Moira MacTaggart
Daniel Cudmore .... Piotr Rasputin/Colossus
Vinnie Jones .... Cain Marko/Juggernaut
Dania Ramirez .... Callisto
Deutschland, USA etc. am 25.Mai 2006

The X-Men, mutant heroes sworn to defend a world that hates and fears them, are back! This time, with the help of new recruits The Beast and Angel, they must face evolution itself in the form of their former teammate, Jean Grey. Possessed with the cosmic power of the Dark Phoenix, the resurrected Jean Grey has become a danger to herself, her mutant comrades, and the entire planet. To stave off this imminent threat to humanity, a potential cure is discovered and processed to treat -- and ultimately eliminate -- genetic mutations, once and for all. Now, as the battle lines are drawn, the X-Men, led by Professor Charles Xavier, must contend with both Jean Grey's world-consuming powers, as well as the malevolent Brotherhood, a band of powerful mutants organized under Xavier's former ally, Magneto.
In X-Men: The Last Stand, the final chapter in the X-Men motion picture trilogy, a "cure" for mutancy threatens to alter the course of history. For the first time, mutants have a choice: retain their uniqueness, though it isolates and alienates them, or give up their powers and become human. The opposing viewpoints of mutant leaders Charles Xavier (Stewart), who preaches tolerance, and Magneto (McKellen), who believes in the survival of the fittest, are put to the ultimate test -- triggering the war to end all wars.
Die X-Men unter der bewährten Führung von Charles Xavier bekommen es mit der Evolution selbst zu tun. Ihre verstorbene Kollegin Jean Grey wird als Dark Phoenix wieder geboren und ist nicht nur eine Gefahr für sich selbst, sondern auch für die anderen Mutanten und die menschliche Rasse. Als eine mögliche Heilung gefunden wird, mit der außerdem genetische Mutationen kontrolliert werden könnten, müssen sich die X-Men zur Schlacht rüsten - gegen die Brotherhood von Magneto und das menschliche Militär.

Patrick Stewart .... Professor Charles Xavier
Hugh Jackman .... Logan/Wolverine
Ian McKellen .... Eric Lensherr/Magneto
Halle Berry .... Ororo Munroe/Storm
Famke Janssen .... Dr. Jean Grey/Phoenix
Anna Paquin .... Marie D'Ancanto/Rogue
Kelsey Grammer .... Dr. Hank McCoy/Beast
Rebecca Romijn .... Raven Darkholme/Mystique
Shawn Ashmore .... Bobby Drake/Iceman
Ellen Page .... Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat
Ben Foster .... Warren Worthington III/Angel
Ken Leung .... Quill
Aaron Stanford .... John Allerdyce/Pyro
James Marsden .... Scott Summers/Cyclops
Olivia Williams .... Dr. Moira MacTaggart
Daniel Cudmore .... Piotr Rasputin/Colossus
Vinnie Jones .... Cain Marko/Juggernaut
Dania Ramirez .... Callisto
Deutschland, USA etc. am 25.Mai 2006