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Evanescence work on the new album
Amy Lee said that they are working on the new album, but for now the new songs are just tests and first compositions.
She affirms that this process is going good. “ This year I found a moment to compose. I bought a house where I play piano until night. I put some candles and I begin writing songs. They aren´t finish, they are just some structures and small squelets, so I don´t want say anything yet".
The date for the released of the new abum is still unknown, but the sales from the album “Fallen” are already known…. More than five millions of copies sold on USA and more than eleven around the world. Amy Lee wants to assume a bigger role on the production of the album and want this new album be completely diferent from the other and she don´t care if people don´t like: “The next album, I'm going to love just like I loved “Fallen”. If everybody slams it and says, It's not like “Fallen”, that's a real shame, I'm just going to tune it out. I'm not in this to please other people. I love our music, love our band and I just love to write.”
AmyLee schrieb:Nein sie haben,noch kein neues Album rausgebracht.
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Wenigstens ein paar News.
Ich hab gestern die DVD/CD bekommen,hab mich natürlich wahnsinnig gefreut ^^ Was ich bis jetzt gesehen habe ist auch echt super.Mal gucken wann ich es schaffe alles anzuschauen.
Die CD ist auch ein Muss.Die Lieder sind zwar fast alle auf "Fallen" (Nur,Missing,Farther away,Breathe no more und Thougthless nicht) aber da die Lieder alle live sind ist das doch anders.