
455 Gründe warum Max und Liz DAS Traumpaar sind (leider englisch, sorry):
Because Max Evans was staring at her again.
Because Max thought of telling Liz 1,000 times.
Because Max's life is in Liz's hands now.
Because Liz saw how Max really saw her.
Because Liz could feel everything he was feeling.
Because in his eyes, Liz was beautiful.
Because he couldn't just let her die.
Because Liz is different.
Because Max put a force on Liz.
Because Liz's life changed in an instant.
Because when Max sees Liz he feels things.
Because Max risked everything because "It was you."
Because their secret couldn't last forever, and Max didn't want it to.
Because it wasn't safe, but Liz didn't care.
Because it COULD be something more.
Because Liz will never look at the stars in the sky the same way again.
Because Liz will never look at anything the same way again.
Because five days ago she died and the most amazing thing happened: she came to life.
Because we know what Max Evans meant when he said "See you in school."
Because Max thought they should be somewhere private.
Because Liz wishes she could be invisible and Max wished he didn't have to be so invisible.
Because secrets make you feel like you DO belong.
Because Liz wasn't concerned about her future.
Because Max came out from behind the tree for Liz.
Because Max never forgets to thank her. "Thank you, Liz."
Because he trusted Liz and he needed someone to talk to.
Because "it was only natural."
Because life will never go back to normal.
Because Max will have an Alien Blast and so will Liz.
Because it was torture for Max to stay away from Liz.
Because Liz wasn't catching up on athletic events.
Because with Max and Liz it is the be all and end all.
Because if it wasn't complicated it wouldn't be Max and Liz.
Because Max was the one person Liz really wanted to talk to when GC was dying.
Because Max was concerned enough to go to the hospital
Because Max would do it all over again if he needed to.
Because Max was feeling depressed, sorry for himself and angry at the world because he had to stay away from Liz.
Because Liz didn't listen to logic and what she was supposed to do so she called Max.
Because Liz left normal and once she did she could never go back.
Because Max helped Liz say goodbye to GC.
Because Liz always follows her heart where ever it takes her.
Because sometimes your heart takes you to places it should never be.
Because even their sneakers match (LN).
Because Liz gave Michael another reason to envy Max Evans.
Because what Liz wrote in her journal had nothing to do with science.
Because Liz had to write it down, so that if anyone touched her like Max did, she would know what it's supposed to feel like.
Because if Max read what was in her journal, he would see how she really sees him.
Because Liz has known that they aren't all the same for a really long time.
Because Max's life didn't even start until he told Liz the truth that day.
Because first of all, nothing about Liz is stupid.
Because Max always wants to keep her warm.
Because if anything happened to Max, Liz couldn't live with that.
Because Liz didn't come to ask for Max's permission (RD).
Because Max does deserve her trust.
Because Max thought that they should do something normal for a change.
Because they both loved the song they were listening to (You Make Me Feel).
Because when Liz saw Max in the car, it was like she couldn't breathe, you know?
Because they do things when they feel a certain way about each other.
Because what Max is afraid of isn't that they try this and it works out badly, but that they try this and it works out really well.
Because Max felt everything he knew he would feel.
Because Max couldn't bear to hurt Liz.
Because it isn't really Max's decision.
Because Liz said "No thank you," and both Max and Liz know she's taken.
Because Max has been waiting for this a long time.
Because nothing exploded except their hearts.
Because when Max saw Valenti taking Liz away like that it really hit home for him.
Because knowing Max hasn't screwed up her life-it's just the opposite!
Because if he walked away right then, Dreamer's everywhere would be crying!
Because no matter what they go through it's worth it because they're together.
Because they wanted to move forward and they finally did in Heat Wave.
Because Max likes Cherry Cola.
Because Max and Liz just both kind of felt like Chinese food.
Because Max thinks that Liz looks like Venus in the morning sky.
Because nothing could ruin their date.
Because "explosive' is a really good word.
Because they have that whole "look into my eyes soul mate thing."
Because Liz's fear ran deeper.
Because Liz could never let Max down.
Because Liz made Max forget that anything else existed.
Because Liz didn't mean to have doubts.
Because it is the only real thing Liz has ever felt.
Because they could be the happiest they've ever been in their entire lives and the saddest all at one time.
Because that's what being in love is.
Because Liz wanted to remember.
Because Max has a really good lab partner: she's really good in science.
Because he just forgot for awhile.
Because the glass will never be clean enough.
Because a basketball game doesn't have to be an awkward thing.
Because Liz and Kyle together again couldn't be further from the truth.
Because Max is doing the best he can.
Because Max has been staring at Liz since he came in.
Because Max changed his cards to get on Liz's dad's good side.
Because Max made Liz a part of this.
Because Max wanted them to slow down not screech to a halt.
Because we wish that Max and Liz were having a woodsy tryst.
Because Liz doesn't want to let Max go.
Because Liz has made up her mind.
Because Max can't stop thinking about Liz.
Because Max sees Liz in slow motion.
Because Max is a serious, dark-haired mystery man from an exotic place.
Because Max couldn't just let Liz find another guy.
Because ME + LP.
Because they saw into each other's souls.
Because Liz is Max's Dreamgirl.
Because Max wanted Liz to run away with him.
Because as long as their together nothing else matters.
Because it's all just magic when he thinks of her.
Because when he's not with her he goes crazy.
Because Max really did mean everything he said that night.
Because everything he said was true.
Because it could never be normal.
Because "what's so great about normal?"
Because Max didn't want to ruin her night.
Because Max didn't ruin Liz's night.
Because Liz needs grief relief.
Because Liz tries to stay away, but she just can't help herself.
Because Max obviously feels the same way.
Because a simple shoulder squeeze means so much.
Because we love the way strawberries fall on the floor like that.
Because they are more than "just friends."
Because Liz didn't feel normal.
Because Max touches her, Liz sees stars.
Because Max was just returning her pencil.
Because there was a good reason why Max missed some of his classes.
Because more than just the universe is beautiful.
Because Max didn't just see what she saw. He felt what she felt when she saw him
Because Max didn't think anyone could feel that way about him.
Because Liz had a hickey on her neck-and it was glowing.
Because Max didn't want to use Liz.
Because Liz also needs to find out where all of this leads.
Because Max knows things about Liz that he shouldn't know.
Because Max is glowing on the inside-his toes, his heart.
Because Max could never do anything to hurt her.
Because it feels right in a way that it has never felt right before.
Because at that moment, Max couldn't NOT touch her.
Because Liz was cradled in Max's arms when they woke up in the desert.
Because Max only knew what he was hoping for.
Because the movie got bad reviews.
Because Max is the leader and Liz is his lady.
Because Max cradles Liz's face/neck when they kiss and leans his forehead to hers when they break from their kiss.
Because Max "just really needed to do that."
Because Max is a total goner.
Because Max has never felt that way before.
Because Max looks at Liz and knows that she's the one he's supposed to be with. He's always known it.
Because Liz is "The One." The only one.
Because Max could never be with anyone else.
Because everything she saw with her eyes told her he was cheating on her, but everything she felt in her heart told her he wasn't.
Because kissing Tess was NOT like Max.
Because she went on faith-a lot of it.
Because Max follows Liz when she's upset (TLV and WO)
Because Liz knew Max wasn't falling in love with Tess.
Because Max didn't want her to go in there alone.
Because a kiss on the forehead means so much!
Because Max doesn't feel unsettled when he kisses Liz.
Because Max won't let Tess win.
Because you are who you choose to be, just like you are with who you choose to be with.
Because Max belongs with Liz.
Because Max won't let any book tell him what to do.
Because Max wouldn't leave without her.
Because Liz knew that Maxedo wasn't Max.
Because "He changed me."
Because Liz went to Valenti to save Max.
Because Max cried out when he thought that Liz was dead.
Because they jumped off that bridge together.
Because saving Liz that day was the day his life began.
Because "It was you, Liz, the thought of you," that kept Max alive.
Because Max loves the touch of her skin, her hair that's so soft.
Because of the way her eyes look into his.
Because knowing Liz has made Max human.
Because Max believes they make their own destiny.