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Infos über 5. Staffel

Ja, danke, doch ich habe wieder einen Spoiler. 5.03 soll der Titel "Happily Ever After" lauten, was ja so viel heißt wie: Danach ist man glücklicher. Vielleicht werden Phoebe und Cole sich in dieser Episode trennen...

Cole und Phoebe trennen sich *freu* dann kann ich ihn mir angeln!  :lol:

Nein! Naja danke erstmal für die Spoiler! Die sind klasse! THX!  :p
bin mal wieder viel zu faul mich anzumelden:

Ich habe einen Spoiler für euch:

Phoebe's Haare werden wahrscheinlich jungenkurz werden. Darauf können wir uns ja schon freuen.

@ Spoiler source
Paige soll durch einen Zauberspruch, der schief geht, rote Haare bekommen.

Wegen den Emmy-Awards (&quot;Charmed&quot; ist nicht nominiert <img src="http://forums.a-s-charmed.de/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('>) wurde die 2stündige Seasonpremiere auf den 29. September verlegt.


vorweg, wie schon im Thread sichtbar, eine SPOILER-Warnung!!

Hier ein kleiner Beitrag eines User's der Charmed-Boards.com .

&quot;Just to confirm this episode is HIGHLY fairytale based. I am just reading the script right now and it looks like it could be pretty fun.

Think &quot;Snow White&quot; &quot;Cinderella&quot; &quot;Little Red Riding Hood&quot; etc all mixed together

OH! And a major character dies, someone who I believe hasn't been dead before.......

When an evil witch learns that she isn't the most powerful witch of them all she vows to destroy those with more power then her! How? By unleashing fairytale characters and swaying them to evil.

Meanwhile, Phoebe is still attempting to divorce Cole who is going all out to keep them together...Will it all end Happily Ever After?&quot;

Zur Zeit ist er leider noch in englisch, werd aber versuchen, ihn so bald wie möglich umzusetzen.

Um euch selbst davon überzeugen zu können, wie gut diese Episode sein wird, findet ihr hier auch die Antworten zu den Spoiler.

Auf Seite 6 findet ihr dann auch die Namen, von denen ich keine Ahnung habe, ob sie offiziell sind oder nicht, für die ersten 5 Folgen der 5. Staffel:

5.01 &amp; 5.02 &quot;A Witches Tail&quot; - &quot;The Little Mermaid&quot;
5.03 &quot;Happily Ever After&quot;- &quot;Snow White&quot;, &quot;Cinderella&quot; etc...
5.04 &quot;Siren Song&quot; - &quot;The Odyssey&quot;
5.05 &quot;Witches In Tights&quot; - &quot;Robin Hood&quot;

'And a major character dies' - hhm, das hört sich ja nicht so gut an. Ich vermute Darryl wird sterben, weiß auch nicht wieso. &nbsp;:dontgetit: Wäre aber sehr schade!

Sorry das ich euch ne Weile sitzen gelassen habe, aber ich bin ja nicht umsonst die Moderatorin des Episodenforums. Ich habe mal wieder ganz frische Spoiler für euch:

I read Billy will make a cameo appearance (her prince charming) - jealous Cole. Billy may even be created into a real human and a phoebe/billy/cole love triangle may develop. To complicate things even more, Clay may be returning for Phoebe.
Billy wird wieder auftauchen und Cole eifersüchtig machen als Phoebe´s Traumprinz. Billy wird wahrscheinlich zu einen wahren Menschen gemacht und dann wird eine Dreiecksbeziehung entstehen (Phoebe/Billy/Cole). Um Dinge noch verzwickter zu machen wird vielleicth Clay für Phoebe wieder auftauchen.-mehr folgt später auf Deutsch
Now some info about the fairy-tale episode: Piper's prince charming is Leo (duh!) Paige's prince charming will be Glen who is
in fact - A WARLOCK!! Yes Indeed!! (I reckon it's bullsh** but that's what it said. Actually I hope the part about Glen is true!) But that doesn't make sense because evil can't love. Hmm....

Here's some script from the spoilers.


Glen kisses Paige who awakenes from her sleep

PAIGE: Whoa --gets up groggy-- Glen, what are you doing here?

GLEN: True love found a way.


Piper and Phoebe are looking through the BOS. Piper says that they need a spell to vanquish the common witch. Phoebe responds by saying there's nothing common about her, she's powerful. The book flips open to a page, but it's blank. Piper snips, &quot;Thanks, that was a great big help, Grams.&quot; Next, ink words appear, creating a new exert on the witch.&quot; Grams materialises in front of them. Phoebe --nudging Piper and looking over--&quot;Uh, Piper.&quot; Piper looks up. In the middle of Piper's apology Grams interrupts explaining about the witch. When Piper tells her the only time they've ever come across an evil witch, Kyle destroyed her, she explains that they've never vanquished one before. Grams tells them, they'll need the power of three. Phoebe tells her that the don't have it right now and explains about Paige's comatose state. When Grams suggests that Piper use her power to vanquish her, Piper says she already tried to but the witch escaped before she could blow her up. Phoebe then suggests that she use her new power to distract the witch, then she can blow her up. They consider that for a tense beat, then Grams says &quot; I should go check on Paige. Be careful my darlings.&quot; With that, she dematerialises and then we--


--as Grams materialises in a swirl of bright orbs in front of the now kissing Paige and Glen. Grams pats her hair, trying to look away discreetly.




Phoebe walks towards the window and bends down to open a box. Piper is organizing potions on the table.

PHOEBE: How are those potions comin' Piper?

PIPER: I'm almost finished.

Piper swishes a vial of red liquid. As Phoebe walks over to her with an athame, she says maybe they could scry for her but Piper tells her they don't have enough time, Paige is in trouble. Phoebe cuts her finger and lets a bit drip into the potion Piper is making
Piper then explains to Phoebe: &quot; Thanks. Okay, it's done.&quot; Piper then explains to Phoebe: I've made a potion which induces confusion --gesturing to the green potion-- a binding potion which will hopefully strip her powers -- pointing at the pink potion -- and this one I just made.&quot;

PHOEBE: And what does that one do?

PIPER: This one duplicates your new power. Do you think it will be strong enough?

A beat later and the witch materialses in the attic next to the door behind Piper and says &quot;I don't think so.&quot; Phoebe pushes Piper to the floor as the witch shoots a red energy ball towards Piper. Phoebe levitates out of reach before hovering down. Phoebe responds by sending electricity at the witch,but misses. The witch flings a binding barrier at Phoebe, unable to break through it as she approaches Piper. Piper gestures to blow up the witch but she sends another red energy ball - this time at Piper, who is flung back into the bookcase, Phoebe watching, unable to do anything. The witch, cursing at herself for taking on TWO powerful witches, dematerialises, leaving the scene, replying that she'll be back. The binding bubble bursts and Phoebe rushes to Piper, panic on her face as she calls for Leo.
A beat later, Leo orbs in to the chaos of the attic.


&gt;&gt;that's all that was there, guys, it sounds so cool!! And it looks genuine, so I trust it, but still don't understand whether Glen is a warlock - IT IS NOT POSSIBLE!!! Script is still cool though, bits missing here and there.

Ich sehe gerade zum ersten Mal 2.09 ! Auf englisch ! Und da war gerade die Szene, wo er erfährt, dass sie Hexen sind. Und seine Reaktion ist irgendwie lustig....so nach dem Motto 'Sie sind Hexen - ok!' *g*Er ist irgendwie süß. *gg* &nbsp;:D

Frage: Wer ist Billy? (Ich kenn die 2. Staffel noch nicht ganz.) Ist das dieser Typ aus 'Heartbreak City' ?