Hallo meine Lieben da draußen,
Ich habe fuer euch neue Spoiler von
THE SPOILER SOURCE . Leider sind sie noch in Englisch, aber ich werde sie fuer euch demnaechst uebersetzen, da ich zur Zeit noch ziemlich beschaeftigt bin.
+ Paige's hair is officially red for a few season episodes, but whether or not the storyline, or Rose herself, will change it back is not yet decided. Just think, in the episode when they cast the spell to get back everything I lost and Phoebe's hair color returned... That could happen again.
+ One of the babies powers has been confirmed -- it's Telekinesis... so here comes bits and pieces of Prue back into the storyline.
+ Piper will give birth in the 100th episode. I also heard through the grapevine that her water will break in the episode before it and we will be left with her being pushed through swinging doors and into the hospital.
+ Baby names floating around these: Parker (I like that one), Paeton, and Tanner.
+ Phoebe will be throwing electricity and as for Piper she just may learn how to heat up and cool down molecules (literally FREEZE things or HEAT things up). In the beginning, each thing that happens (either ice or fire) will be based on her mood.
+ First time that Phoebe shoots electricity may be like this (Thanks to Jason for this tid-bit): Piper (surprising Phoebe as a joke): MY WATER BROKE... Phoebe (turning away from the sink towards Piper): WHAT? [Suddenly, a burst of electricity flies from Phoebes body and strikes Piper in the chest, sending her through the kitchen wall and into the Parlor]
+ Pipers panic attack in "A Witch's Tail" Part 2 is a major one. If Holly could play drunk, depressed and dead so great, you can just imagine what her panic attack will look like.
+ Rumors fly about Shane West possibly joining cast of "Charmed". I read an article that read like this:
Shane West "Charming" The WB?
As "Once & Again" has come to a rather untimely end, rumors have begun about Shane playing a mis-fit teenage rebel on the WB's hit show "Charmed", which airs on Sunday nights at 8. This new Whitelighter to the scene will be the be Leo's (Played by Brian Krause) understudy and is less then understanding to why he died.
"Leo feels compelled to help this boy become the Whitelighter that the Elders chose to make him, but he is having a rather hard time. He has his 'fits', some of which, put Holly's ("Piper"

character in danger." Said actor Brian Krause, who portrays the girls Whitelighter on the show.
Whether or not Shane is the one that will be picked for this part is not certain, but we do know that if he does make it, many more young teenage girls will watch and come to love the magic.
[Sounds good to me! He was great in A Walk To Remember (BEST MOVIE EVER IN MY OPINION)]