Ich gebe momentan einen Kurs an der Columbia University, und "meine" Studenten vertreiben sich die Zeit lieber damit, meine Versprecher aufzuzeichnen, als zuzuhoeren! Ich habe mal eine Liste per eMail bekommen..:
Amy: Do we have to count the words?
Dr. Cosgrove: If you don't count the words, you didn't do what you were supposed to. If you can't read, you can still look at the pictures.
Dr. Cosgrove (commenting on the bored faces in the room): I'm just saying this so it is said!
Dr. Cosgrove: If you don't want to be here right now, raise your hand. (nobody moves)
Okay, if you don't want to be here right now and you don't want to leave either because it is cold outside, raise your hand (all hands go up)
Okay, so who knows where the nearest Starbucks is?
Mike (trying to find the right answer to a problem): So, Dr. Cosgrove, are you married?
Dr. Cosgrove: Me going out with you is not going to answer that question.
Mike: So, Dr. Cosgrove, do you have kids? Yeah? I could watch them for you.
Dr. Cosgrove: Now we're talking..!
Es gibt noch viel mehr, und ich sollte mal aufpassen was ich sage!
Amy: Do we have to count the words?
Dr. Cosgrove: If you don't count the words, you didn't do what you were supposed to. If you can't read, you can still look at the pictures.
Dr. Cosgrove (commenting on the bored faces in the room): I'm just saying this so it is said!
Dr. Cosgrove: If you don't want to be here right now, raise your hand. (nobody moves)
Okay, if you don't want to be here right now and you don't want to leave either because it is cold outside, raise your hand (all hands go up)
Okay, so who knows where the nearest Starbucks is?
Mike (trying to find the right answer to a problem): So, Dr. Cosgrove, are you married?
Dr. Cosgrove: Me going out with you is not going to answer that question.
Mike: So, Dr. Cosgrove, do you have kids? Yeah? I could watch them for you.
Dr. Cosgrove: Now we're talking..!
Es gibt noch viel mehr, und ich sollte mal aufpassen was ich sage!
